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Centrála NATO vyhlašuje tendr na „dlouhodobé uchovávání digitálních informací“


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Zde je vysvětlení motivace Aliance k vypsání tendru: The purpose of this Request for Proposal (RFP) is to award a contract for both a software solution and implementation services supporting the long-term preservation of NATO digital information. Long-term preservation in this context refers to the totality of processes and operations involved in the stabilization of digital objects against damage and deterioration. The goal is to ensure continued access to NATO digital objects, or at least to the information contained in them, for an indefinite period of time. This desired solution will enable the NATO Archives function to ingest, appraise, administer, store and provide access to a wide range of digital data objects, in various formats, originating from a diverse range of NATO entities.

A zde jsou cíle zakázky: Provide both a software solution and implementation services enabling the long-term preservation of and access to NATO digital information, to be administered by the NATO Archives.


• Acquisition and Implementation of a software solution for the long term preservation of NATO’s digital information.

• Specification and design (including functional design and technical architecture) of a software solution enabling the long-term preservation of and access to NATO digital information, based on user workshops, technical/ architecture workshops and the requirements contained in ANNEX B. This should include both functional design and assistance in developing a technical architecture to host the solution.

• Configuration, development, partial data transfer and deployment of a software solution enabling the long-term preservation of and access to NATO digital information, based on user workshops, technical/architecture workshops and the requirements contained in ANNEX B.

• Support during testing/ QA of the solution (including any security testing required by NATO) and acceptance of the implemented solution.

• The addressing of any defects discovered during acceptance testing by NATO, and changes requested in accordance with the agreed NATO requirements.

• Training NATO users on the implemented solution.

• Training ICT Support Staff on the implemented solution.

• Setting up a Support & Maintenance agreement with the Contractor to maintain and support the implemented solution.

• All project management activities and deliverables (such as progress reports, risk and issue, and dependency logs).


The management objective is to complete the Long-Term NATO Digital information Preservation program within the agreed schedule, scope and with the expected level of quality. To achieve this the Contractor is given the needed flexibility to innovatively manage the service schedule, performance, risks, warranties, and data to deliver a services solution that satisfies NATO’s performance requirements. Another management objective is to maintain clear visibility into the service performance and risk.


The Contractor shall provide project management resources and other required functional and technical personnel necessary for implementing the software solution.

NATO reserves the right to refuse the services of certain persons on security grounds.

The persons whose services are offered must be nationals of a NATO member country.

The Contractor’s personnel serving at NATO Headquarters shall be required to sign a Certificate of Acknowledgement of Responsibilities.

Contractor’s personnel working on site at NATO HQ shall hold a current NATO SECRET security clearance. The clearance must be valid at least until the end of the project.

The official languages of NATO are French and English. An advanced knowledge of English is essential and a working knowledge of French is desirable.


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