Category: zatím nezařazeno
Renewal SSL VPN Infrastructure for EPO, Rijswijk Tender: Renewal SSL VPN Infrastructure Contracting Authority: European Patent Organisation – Rijswijk, The Netherlands The EPO procured an Infranet-Controller cluster from Juniper (IC-4500). It works in combination with the second layer firewalls -Juniper SRX. The combination of Infranet Controller and Second Layer Firewalls provide secure access from the…
Frontex Biometric on the Move Trial: Frontex monitors new products, services, technologies and developments which may offer opportunities for new capacity development. One area of development – biometrics on the move –offer the possibility of a more efficient and effective processing of border crossings without compromising security. Biometrics on the move, which shall be understood…
Do Česka přijde brzy konkurence sdíleným koloběžkám Lime. Znáte někoho, kdo by se na tom projektu chtěl podílet? +32473116804
Příliš složité?! Moc zdlouhavé!? Nebo snad dokonce podplacené???!!I Ale ne, chce to “jen” trochu odvahy a trochu štěstí. Nechte se přesvědčit, že i Vaše firma můžete vyhrávat výběrová řízení mezinárodních organizací typu NATO, OSN nebo EU. Naši klienti už to vědí😊. Tak například: * tiskneme pro agentury EU (U&WE, I+I PRINT) a děláme layout a grafický design…
Tender: Upgrade of the Border Tech Net Zadavatel: Frontex, Varšava Zakázka do €144.000. Jen na výzvu Short description: Border Tech Net is a platform for sharing, exchanging and disseminating information in the field of research and development in the border-security domain. The Border-TechNet application is a web-based content management system (CMS) that provides functionality to:…
Tak s firmou Profil nábytek z Humpolce už jsme udělali EU kontrakty (tj. kontrakty pro EU instituce a agentury) za 38 milionů korun!!! A rozhodně nekončíme:) Gratuluju!!!
Two new won EU-contracts: Provision of training services on unconscious bias for the FRA – EU Fundamental Rights Agency (Vienna), middle-value contract up to €135.000, with Everesta s.r.o. company. Printing services for the EMSA – European Maritime Safety Agency (Lisbon), 4-years long framework contract (budget €200.000) with U&WE s.r.o.
Tender: Provision of cloud infrastructure design and implementation services Contracting Authority: The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), London UK Description of Requirements: It is anticipated that EBRD will require specialist services from an external provider to support the design, implementation and continuous improvement of a strategic hybrid cloud environment at EBRD, utilising the…
Tender: Medical equipment for Close Protection Officers Contracting Authority: European Commission – DG Human Resources and Security, Brussels Estimated total value of the contract: lot 1- 60 000 EUR ; lot 2 – 60 000 EUR Duration: 2 framework contracts with 48 months validity Description of the supplies to be purchased: LOT 1 : MEDICAL…
Tendr: Provision of IT services related to the implementation of a Smart Industry Platform Zadavatel: UNIDO (United Nations Industrial Development Organization), Vídeň Features and functionality overview: Search AP Implementation with database search; separate instances for the indicators and the knowledge resources; Facets and facets ranges Newsletter subscriptions management with on-site sent-out options: Simplenews & swiftmailer…