Brussels connection

the best address for international procurement

Category: UN

  • Request for proposal: Records Management Project Contracting Authority: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Vienna, Austria Deadline 8/12 Scope: This RFP describes the requirements for the Agency wide Records Management Project to revise the IAEA Records Management Programme. The Contractor cooperates with the Records Advisory Team of ARMS and the Unit Head of the Records Unit…


  • Request for proposal: Provision of Records Management System Development Services Contracting Authority: International Fund for Agricultural Development (UN organization), Rome Deadline: 12/1/2018 Details: IFAD requires a Supplier to implement an EDRMS and Email Management plugin/add-on extension that integrates with IFAD’s SharePoint to manage electronic and physical records. Objectives of the RFP: is to engage a…


  • Zakázka: Update of CTBTO corporate Identity and style manual Zadavatel: Preparatory Commission for the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization (CTBTO), Vienna Popis práce: 1) Vývoj nového Corporate Identity Style Manual k využití pro interní i externí komunikační produkty 2) Analýza dosavadního využití loga v rámci agentury 3) Využití a zapracování dosavadních připomínek v rámci agentury 4) Aktualizace vizuální identity,…


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  • Request for proposal for UNICEF Business Intelligence (BI) & Data Warehouse (DW) strategy Services Background: The SAP based ERP application was first launched in 1999 for UNICEF Head Quarter(HQ) locations. It was subsequently re-engineered, expanded and then launched worldwide branded as VISION in January 2012.  VISION, an IPSAS compliant ERP system is based on SAP…


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  • Call for the Provision of Financial Management Software Contracting Authority: United Nations Office for Project Services, HQ Copenhagen Description: FMS mainly for the Sustainable Energy for All initiative (as a global partnership platform that was to promote and support new collaborative approaches for governments, business and civil society to work together in making sustainable energy for…


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  • Call for: Archiving Management Solution Contracting Authority: UNICEF Description: UNICEF is seeking to procure an ISAD (G) complaint Archives Management Systems (the “AMS Solution”) deployed in an ISO 27001 certified managed cloud solution that is regularly audited delivering a compliant and cost effective storage. We wish to procure the implementation, post implementation maintenance and support…


  • OSN brzy vypíše tendr na výběr dodavatele vstupních ID karet pro svou centrálu a “pobočky” po celém světě. Má jít o dlouhodobý kontrakt na 3+2 roky.  Co přesně bude OSN nakupovat: 1. UN ID Cards including: – Card – Memory – Programming – UN Key & Format – Front & Back Packaging – Mag Stripe…


  • Provision of video and photo essays for UN (High Commissioner for Human Rights) The United Nations Office at Geneva (UNOG) seeks Expressions of Interest (EOI) from qualified suppliers for the provision of 25 video/photo essays in total for the five (5) regions (Africa, the Americas, Europe and Central Asia, Asia Pacific, and Middle East and…


  • Provision of online advertising management services for OHCHR The United Nations Office at Geneva (UNOG) seeks Expressions of Interest (EOI) from qualified communication agencies to manage online advertising through the following digital channels: Google AdWords, Facebook Ads, Instagram, Linkedin and any other channels as needed for the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights…


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