Category: UN
Tender: Laravel & Drupal Support of existing websites/applications Contracting Authority: World Trade Organization, Geneva Details: The WTO is currently undertaking a project for the provision of Laravel and Drupal maintenance and small scale development for a number of existing websites / applications. The purpose of this Request for Proposal is to solicit well-established firms interested…
Světová zdravotnická organizace (agentura pod OSN), se sídlem v Ženevě, hledá grafickou/komunikační/digitální agenturu pro svoji kampaň na vymýcení dětské obrany. Zájemci musí do 2/2 formálně projevit zájem, další fáze budou následovat. Detaily – WHO poptává v rámci programu Polio Eradication tyto komunikační prostředky: * graphic design * web development/coding * web site maintenance/hosting/analytics * video…
Zakázka: Aviation booking and ticketing system platform Zadavatel: UN World Food Programme (WFP), Řím Background: WFP manages the United Nations Humanitarian Air Service (UNHAS), a common air transport service, available to a limited number of passengers. The passengers are staff and contractors of humanitarian and relief agencies, Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) , diplomatic missions, donors organizations…
Zakázka: Provision of TV over IP Services Zadavatel: United Nations Office, Geneva Description: The United Nations Office at Geneva (UNOG) seeks Expressions of Interest (EOI) from qualified suppliers for the Provision of TV over IP Services to UNOG in anticipation of a related tender to be issued. UNOG intends to award a contract to the successful…
Tender for: Crisis communication consultancy company Contracting Authority: World Meteorological Organization, Switzerland Bids deadline: 8/1 Description: The WMO request provision of a Crisis Communication Support for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), on a standby basis, to manage risks around communications work and address situations of crisis, through rapid response if necessary, that may…
Contract: Provision of Professional Services for the Implementation of an SAP Payment Solution Contracting Authority: UN organization – International Telecommunication Union (ITU), Geneva Request for EOI. Deadline of EOI: 10/1
Tender: Data Center and Application Platform Hosting Services Contracting Authority: World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), Geneva, Switzerland Deadline for the EOI: 25/1 Details: In response to WIPOs needs of implementing the Resilient and Secure Program, the Organization has the intention the enter into a Contract with the most suitable vendor capable of covering: Service 1:…
Request for proposal: Records Management Project Contracting Authority: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Vienna, Austria Deadline 8/12 Scope: This RFP describes the requirements for the Agency wide Records Management Project to revise the IAEA Records Management Programme. The Contractor cooperates with the Records Advisory Team of ARMS and the Unit Head of the Records Unit…
Request for proposal: Provision of Records Management System Development Services Contracting Authority: International Fund for Agricultural Development (UN organization), Rome Deadline: 12/1/2018 Details: IFAD requires a Supplier to implement an EDRMS and Email Management plugin/add-on extension that integrates with IFAD’s SharePoint to manage electronic and physical records. Objectives of the RFP: is to engage a…
Zakázka: Update of CTBTO corporate Identity and style manual Zadavatel: Preparatory Commission for the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization (CTBTO), Vienna Popis práce: 1) Vývoj nového Corporate Identity Style Manual k využití pro interní i externí komunikační produkty 2) Analýza dosavadního využití loga v rámci agentury 3) Využití a zapracování dosavadních připomínek v rámci agentury 4) Aktualizace vizuální identity,…