Brussels connection

[the one that wins]

the best address for international procurement

Category: UN

  • Call for: Cloud-based Software for CRM including Cloud Marketing and Social Media Integration for the HeForShe initiative Contracting Authority: United Nations Office for Project Services, HQ – Kodaň, Dánsko Language: English Tasks: • Procure cloud-based Software for Customer Relationship Management including Cloud Marketing and Social Media Integration for the HeForShe initiative • Includes Installation and…

  • EU – UN Procurement Forum, které sdružuje zástupce zemí EU a podporuje snahy evropských firem získat zakázky od OSN, pořádá každoročně seminář pro zájemce. Letos proběhne 9. – 10. dubna v New Yorku. Kromě plenárních částí a sektorově zaměřených workshopů (pro letošní ročník jsou tématy IT, Cybersecurity, Smart Peacekeeping, Waste Management, Power Generation – Environmental…


  • Tendr: Email Marketing Tool Contracting Authority: UNICEF, Geneva Description: The goal of this RFQS is to partner with a qualified vendor possessing demonstrated experience in email marketing and sales, that can offer UNICEF a tool and technical support to cover its marketing needs and the best performance and practice in any future global and local…


  • Call: Integrated Sale System Accessible via Web for Customers and Users Contracting Authority: The United Nations Postal Administration (UNPA), New York Deadline: 26/2 Description: UNPA is the postal agency of the United Nations. It is the only organization in the world, which is neither a country not a territory that is permitted to issue postage stamps. UNPA…


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  • Tendr: Web development services Zadavatel: United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), HQ: New York, US Deadline 26/2 Zakázka je rozdělena na dva samostnatné loty, tj. je možné se hlásit jen do jednoho z nich. Anebo do obou. Lze pracovat na dálku, je ale třeba zaručit komunikaci v newyorském čase minimálně po dvě hodiny denně (staff working…

  • Tender: ICT technologies and application development support services Contracting Authority: United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS), Geneva Description: The UNOPS is pleased to invite prospective bidders to submit a bid in accordance with the UNOPS General Conditions of Contract and the Schedule of Requirements as set out in this Invitation to Bid (ITB), for…


  • Tender: Filming and Video Editing Contracting Authority: Preparatory Commission for the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization, Austria Description: Filming and Video Editing at ESMF, Seibersdorf. More details here. Deadline for the Request for quotation: Feb. 5


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  • Tender: Communications and Branding Consultancy Contracting Authority: United Nations Development Programme More details here + here + here + and here Deadline for sending proposals: Jan. 31


  • Tender: System Vulnerability Assessment Tool Contracting Authority: United Nations Secretariat, New York Description: The United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund is seeking expressions of interest from providers of System Vulnerability Assessment tools that have, at a minimum, the following features: – Scalability to scan unlimited number of systems/IP addresses – Allowing multiple users and different…


  • Tender: Web Application Vulnerability Scanning Contracting Authority: United Nations Secretariat, New York Description: The United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund is seeking expressions of interest from providers of web application vulnerability scanning tools to identify potential security vulnerabilities and architectural weaknesses in web applications. The ideal tool will communicate with a web application through the…


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