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Category: UN

  • WHO PQT Website Consolidation and Integration World Health Organization, Geneva Deadline 23/3 Description: The purpose of this Request for Proposals RFP is to enter into a contractual agreement with a successful bidder and select a suitable contractor to carry out the following work: extend application of the communications concept and approach used to develop the…

  • Call: Provision of digital communication services & web development Contracting Authority: UN Secretariat, Geneve Deadline for EOI: 15/3 Contract for a period of 3 years Requirements: The UN System Chief Executives Board for Coordination (CEB) Secretariat flagship website ( serves the needs of a wide audience, including the general public, journalists, academia, researchers, Member States…

  • Zadavatel: United Nations Secretariat, Ženeva – Švýcarsko RFI – deadline 22/3 Hlavní technické požadavky: – the listening shells must be dismountable in three parts: the shell, the cable and the earphone, – the shells must be of plastic, molded in one part, washable in an industrial machine, – the cable must be equipped with an…


  • Call for: Cloud-based Software for CRM including Cloud Marketing and Social Media Integration for the HeForShe initiative Contracting Authority: United Nations Office for Project Services, HQ – Kodaň, Dánsko Language: English Tasks: • Procure cloud-based Software for Customer Relationship Management including Cloud Marketing and Social Media Integration for the HeForShe initiative • Includes Installation and…

  • EU – UN Procurement Forum, které sdružuje zástupce zemí EU a podporuje snahy evropských firem získat zakázky od OSN, pořádá každoročně seminář pro zájemce. Letos proběhne 9. – 10. dubna v New Yorku. Kromě plenárních částí a sektorově zaměřených workshopů (pro letošní ročník jsou tématy IT, Cybersecurity, Smart Peacekeeping, Waste Management, Power Generation – Environmental…


  • Tendr: Email Marketing Tool Contracting Authority: UNICEF, Geneva Description: The goal of this RFQS is to partner with a qualified vendor possessing demonstrated experience in email marketing and sales, that can offer UNICEF a tool and technical support to cover its marketing needs and the best performance and practice in any future global and local…


  • Call: Integrated Sale System Accessible via Web for Customers and Users Contracting Authority: The United Nations Postal Administration (UNPA), New York Deadline: 26/2 Description: UNPA is the postal agency of the United Nations. It is the only organization in the world, which is neither a country not a territory that is permitted to issue postage stamps. UNPA…


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  • Tendr: Web development services Zadavatel: United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), HQ: New York, US Deadline 26/2 Zakázka je rozdělena na dva samostnatné loty, tj. je možné se hlásit jen do jednoho z nich. Anebo do obou. Lze pracovat na dálku, je ale třeba zaručit komunikaci v newyorském čase minimálně po dvě hodiny denně (staff working…

  • Tender: ICT technologies and application development support services Contracting Authority: United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS), Geneva Description: The UNOPS is pleased to invite prospective bidders to submit a bid in accordance with the UNOPS General Conditions of Contract and the Schedule of Requirements as set out in this Invitation to Bid (ITB), for…


  • Tender: Filming and Video Editing Contracting Authority: Preparatory Commission for the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization, Austria Description: Filming and Video Editing at ESMF, Seibersdorf. More details here. Deadline for the Request for quotation: Feb. 5


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