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Audiovizuální produkce pro agenturu Eurojust (Haag)


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Služby audiovizuální produkce

EUROJUST – Agentura EU pro justiční spolupráci v trestních věcech, The Hague

KOntrakt na 48 měsíců / budget €558.000

Deadline pro odeslání nabídky: 3/5

Stručný popis: Do rozsahu této zakázky spadá poskytnutí audiovizuálních služeb (fotografických, videoprodukčních, animačních a souvisejících služeb) pro agenturu Eurojust.

Background: The scope this contract is to provide audio-visual services (photography, video production, animation, and provision of stock images/audio/video) to Eurojust.

Eurojust is the EU agency for criminal justice cooperation. Eurojust is committed to transparency and informing European citizens of its activities via various communication channels.

To publicise its activities, to provide suitable public information to third parties and to comply with its reporting requirements, Eurojust produces different types of audio-visual material. Some examples of these productions may be found in Eurojust dedicated spaces in YouTube and Twitter.

The contractor will be required to provide a broad range of services, primarily in The Hague (at Eurojust premises or otherwise). Services will include, audio-visual production, production of graphics, animation and digital media applications as well as web streaming, live broadcast and other ways of distribution of audio-visual material online. In addition, the contractor will be required to provide access to stock image / audio / video databases.

Eurojust has a comprehensive visual identity package consisting of a logo with variations, colour scheme, corporate fonts, icons and other design elements that need to be taken into account when providing the audio-visual services.

Brief description of the tasks – Activities include but are not necessarily limited to the following tasks, or combinations thereof:

Pre-production:  Concept development,  Scriptwriting storyboards  Hiring of teams and equipment  Acquisition of rights  Providing stock photography or footage  Organising filming

Production and post-production of audio-visual material:  Photography (e.g. portraits, events)  Recording of videos (events, interviews, other footage of locations or people) on location or in a studio provided by the contractor  Production of virtual events (webinars, online chats, social media live events, etc.)  Access to external studio facilities and equipment for broadcast events  Livestreaming events from the Eurojust building, the studio (or in rare cases, other locations)  Technical support for recording  Lighting of the set  Make-up  Production of soundtracks  Production of graphics, animation and digital media applications  Editing existing or pre-recorded material

Naceňuje se (finanční nabídka):

Animation of case illustration infographic (piece)
Basic editing of footage  (no more than 5 minutes) provided: adding intro-outro, titles, blurring faces if necessary and transmitting to Eurojust the results within two hours from getting the footage (piece)
Photography of visit to Eurojust: taking photos of visitors, up to 60 minutes at Eurojust premises, processing photos and transmitting to Eurojust the results within 1 hour of finishing taking the photos
Recording one hour of interview / speech via online tool (e.g. Skype) in high quality (hour)
Adding subtitle to video, in any EU official language, per minute
Livestreaming event from Eurojust premises – scenario description as in technical tender form question 2, scenario press briefing (hour)
Video equipment (1 camera including accessories)
Sound equipment
Renting studio for online event, including equipment, staff and livestreaming – scenario description as in technical tender form question 2, scenario open day
PROFILES (price per day)
Project Manager
Production and Planning Assistant (administrative support)
Video producer
Art Director
Video editor  (including equipment)
Video camaraman  (including equipment)
Make-up artist
Animation/ interactive content specialist
Webstream engineer
Video technician (equipment, sound, light)
Photo editor

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