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Archivace webových stránek pro agenturu EU z Lucemburku

Zakázka: Služby archivace webových stránek

Zadavatel: Úřad pro publikace Evropské unie, Luxembourg

Kontrakt na 4 roky / budget €400.000

The scope of this call for tenders is the provision of Web preservation services. In general, the provision of services requested under this FWC will concern the archiving of websites related to the European Union. The scope could be broadened to archiving of other digital publications, such as e-publications or social media.

In close collaboration with the Historical Archives of the EU, the Publications Office has during the last 3 years provided a web preservation service to the EU institutions, agencies and bodies. In the context of this project, around 80 websites  of the Institutions are archived quarterly by an external contractor. On top of these 80 websites, additional sites are archived upon request. This typically happens when (part of) a site will be taken offline or will change considerably.

Currently, the archiving process goes through the following steps: •   Remote harvesting of the websites, in WARC format, via a web crawler • Quality control • If needed, quality improvement (patching) • Publication in an online accessible archive, hosted today on

In parallel, the Publications Office aims to ingest the WARC files into its trusted digital repository.  This repository is highly secured and will allow for long term preservation of the authentic files.

The services to be provided are: Web preservation services, Takeover, Handover, Additional services

Deadline 28/2

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