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Agentura EU pro prevenci nemocí tendruje “komunikační podporu”

Tendr: Služby komunikační podpory

Zadavatel: Evropské středisko pro prevenci a kontrolu nemocí, Solna, Švédsko

Rámcová smlouva na 48 měsíců / celkový budget : €1.150.000

Deadline: 6/7

Zakázka bude rozdělena na dvě samostatné/na sobě nezávislé, části:

Lot 1 – EU public affairs and PR work (€550.000)

Lot 2 – Media monitoring and analysis (€600.000)

Description of the services & scope of Lot 1 – EU public affairs and PR work

 Understanding ECDC’s reputation: Maintaining a reputation of scientific independence and excellence is critical to ECDC’s effectiveness in its role. ECDC experts are ambassadors of its reputation and ECDC’s outputs are a measure of its effectiveness. ECDC is seeking a contractor to measure the impact of its engagement and outputs amongst selected stakeholders, such as public health experts, healthcare professionals and policy makers through perception studies.

 ECDC stakeholder mapping and engagement: ECDC maps and briefs its stakeholders on key issues of concern regarding infectious diseases, with particular focus on vaccines, antimicrobial resistance (AMR), communicable diseases of public health concern and preparedness. ECDC aims to further develop strategies for briefing and engaging with the various stakeholders, and evaluate the impact of the briefing or other engagement activities, with the support of the contractor.

 Support to national communication campaigns: ECDC provides communication support to national campaigns, including working with a network of communication national focal points to share best practice and communication tools. The work to be contracted includes conceptualisation, design and development of health communication products, often delivered as communication toolkits, with reference to the specific public health issues, policy environment, target audiences and appropriate media channels. In addition, the work may include evaluation components, such as focus groups to pre-test messages and materials, guidance on evaluation and ex-post impact assessment.

 Promoting ECDC and its scientific output: ECDC works with a range of social and traditional media outlets in order to promote its content and activities. In some cases, we may organise press conferences or briefing meetings, as well as pitching content to key media outlets influencing policy makers, public health experts and health professionals. The contractor would provide media support to ECDC, including paid media and social media advertising, in terms of strategy development as well as establishing direct contact with different platforms or sub-contractors. 

Contract objectives and scope

Support ECDC in the area of branding, outputs and PR activities, in addition to specific support for communication toolkits and briefing policy makers and influencers.

Description of the work/tasks

A. Understanding ECDC’s reputation • Work to understand ECDC’s reputation, such as design and conduct perception studies of key influencers (policy makers, professional groups and NGOs). 

B. Promoting ECDC and its scientific outputs • Support to press content and materials, as well as pitching content in key media. Provision of traditional and social media advertising.   • Creation of engaging social media content and materials in English, including targeted campaigns, to improve brand awareness, trust and credibility.  • Organising public relations activities targeting EU and national institutions, EU level stakeholders, professional groups, policy makers and media (such as press launches, virtual conferences, seminars, and interviews with specific media). • Identification of journalists, social media influencers, bloggers and other potential multipliers for ECDC’s messages. 

C. Support for EU-wide and national communication campaigns • Development of communication products such as toolkits in English, in support of EU and national campaigns, following approaches such as social marketing, health promotion and health advocacy. • Pre-testing of messages and materials through focus groups or other methods. • Evaluation of the use of health communication products (e.g. by ECDC national focal points). • Support to national communication campaign activities in EU/EEA countries, i.e assist with communications planning and media advertising.  

D. ECDC Stakeholder strategy, mapping and engagement • Mapping of stakeholders and influencers to amplify ECDC’s impact, typically on EU level and in particular in the area of AMR and vaccines. • Develop strategies and content for stakeholders and influencers, both at EU and national level. • Measurement and evaluation of stakeholder engagement activities. 

Team composition*

Communications/PR Specialist    

Communications/PR Assistant     

Senior Communications/PR Supervisor    

Project manager    

Senior journalist    

Junior journalist    

Media buyer    

Social media expert

Web and social media designer    

Audiovisual production specialist

* It is not required that the tenderer has all of the above listed profiles in-house.

Deliverables, reporting and project schedule

I. ECDC perception studies: proposals on strategy and approach, list of targets, questionnaires, reports, provisionally every second year

II. Promoting ECDC scientific outputs such as press launch, virtual conference, seminar, training courses, training material, lists of influencers, provisionally 3-4 instances annually

III. Support for E-wide and national campaigns: provision of communication materials, guidance documents, focus groups, reports, toolkit’s evaluation, provisionally 2-3 instances annually

IV. Identification and support to outreach and briefing of key stakeholders: stakeholder mapping,  strategies, briefing documents, evaluation reports, provisionally 4-5 instances annually

Základní požadavky na uchazeče:

Minimální roční obrat v posledních 3 letech: €200.000 (lot1)

A minimum of five years of experience in performing reputation and perception studies in the public sector.

A minimum of five years of experience in stakeholder analysis and planning, implementation and evaluation of stakeholder engagement activities.

A minimum of five years of experience in conceptualisation, development, delivery and evaluation of communication campaigns and communication products that are targeted to specific audiences.

A minimum of three years of experience in media relations and media and social media strategies.

A minimum of two cross-border experiences, with a minimum of three EU countries

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