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Agentura EU pro počítačovou bezpečnost odstartuje tendr na služby digitální komunikace. Už brzy

Call: Digital Communications services

Zadavatel: EU Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA), Řecko

Maximum budget: €500.000 over 4 years

 Background: ENISA requires support for its digital communications including design of related communication campaigns and plans, digital mapping, production of content and digital assets, campaign implementation and dissemination. ENISA seeks to find one suitably qualified contractor to support the implementation of its digital communication strategy over 4 years.

The prospective contractor will be requested to provide services from the following non-exhaustive list:

a) Conception of digital communication strategies and consultancy services that may include:

 Digital stakeholder mapping: perform a social media mapping to identity online influencers and key opinion leaders (KOLs), bloggers, ambassadors on cybersecurity issues; prepare profiles of different existing and potential digital stakeholders and target audiences (matching ENISA stakeholders strategy); advice on how to best match their information needs and preferences;

 Review ENISA social media policy: to ensure successful, efficient and consistent social media engagement, ENISA has developed a comprehensive set of rules to guide its activities across digital channels. The ENISA social media policy needs to be reviewed against the organisation strategic and corporate objectives, to determine the tone and style of ENISA’s digital communication dictated by our branding strategy, optimal post frequency and establish clear principles of engagement, including ‘dos and don’ts’, internal approval protocols, and escalation plan.

 Advice on how to leverage digital presence in case of communications crisis, disinformation or reputational issues more broadly – to understand what is being said and by whom (source of information) and if necessary, react and disseminate messages.

 Advice to ENISA for the conception of digital communication strategies in the field of multimedia and web services, including suggesting the use of new tools where appropriate, not used currently or before by the Agency.

 Identifying target audiences and their needs, giving advice on the appropriate channels (such as social media, websites and other online platforms) to be used in designing digital communications campaigns.

 Social listening and social network analysis: conduct a social listening analysis and study on existing ENISA social media channels and how they are used to reach to the target audiences and serve the Agency ́s communications needs. Assess if the Agency should consider using other social media channels and what resources it would have to allocate to manage additional channels.

 Provide advice on social media listening and analytics tools to be used to better manage its social media presence, monitor and evaluate its efforts.

 Advice on web presence: as a channel, support ENISA generate wide awareness of cybersecurity and recognition of it’s activities.

 Employee digital engagement: assisting ENISA in entrusting selected employees with communication tasks by providing hands-on training/workshop, experts advice and working closely with the communications team (i.e. in charge of social media communications, or in charge of mining stories and sharing them with the communications team, or identifying potential “social media ambassadors”, seeking new and creative ideas to contribute to ENISA’s vision) to engage with online audiences.

 Social media calendar: develop a yearly social media calendar which identifies key milestones and relevant international days and draft social media posts together with suggested accompanying social assets (e.g. videos, imagery, quotes, testimonials, use of emojis and GIFs, etc.) that will help build the ENISA brand. Content should be adapted per channel and be mobile-user friendly.

b) Support with the design and implementation of digital communication campaigns and/or communications plans for ENISA’s publications, deliverables and events :

 Advice/consultancy for the concept, design and preparation of integrated and user- centric communications and information actions around ENISA’s key activities, both for communications campaigns and single events within the campaigns, including the identification of appropriate target groups, online communication channels/tools, messages, partners and relay organisations, time schedules, targets for communications impact and monitoring tools etc. as part of an integrated strategy;

 Advice/consultancy on digital communications campaigns including viral marketing, social media and new technology channels (web TV, smart phones, podcasts, etc.);

 Development of concept, design, plan and implementation of the communications campaign or single communications event at national and/or European level;

 Development of messages, background information materials, presentations appropriate to the target audience, including provision of content for social media and advice on storytelling;

 Development of digital assets to support the campaign objectives and assist in the dissemination of messages. Assets may include infographics, short videos, twitter cards, factsheets, podcasts, and other innovative formats adapted on the target audience, channels and platforms used on a case by case basis.

 Assistance with paid digital campaigns: Setting up and management of social media campaigns, helping ENISA identify target audiences, campaign objectives, channels to be used and appropriate budget to be invested. Channels may include LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook but more channels may be identified/proposed by ENISA and used in the future.

 Campaign monitoring and evaluation: identify effective tools for monitoring and evaluating the impact and success of online communication activities once a project or campaign has been launched or carried out. Carry out such evaluation exercises and provide concrete metrics and analytics on the reach, engagement and other KPIS in appropriate reports previously agreed with ENISA.

Deadline pro nabídky: 4. října

Ps: tendr bude oficiálně zahájen 7. září, kdy bude zpřístupněna i zadávací dokumentace

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