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Euroúředníci hledají partnera na zajištění audio a video konferencí

Evropská komise hledá pro sebe – a další instituce a agentury EU – firmu, která jí bude po příští čtyři roky zajištovat audio- a video-konference. Mohly by to zvládnout třeba NWT, Ixperta, Visualunity?

Popis zakázky: Dodavatel bude Evropské komisi a dalších EU institucím a agenturám na celém území EU poskytovat audio a webové konferenční služby včetně pořizování/sdílení audio záznamů, videí nebo obsahu přes internet. Evropská komise zadává zakázku jménem dalších zhruba 30 EU institucí a agentur z celé Evropy. Předpokládaný roční objem: v průměru 18 milionů minut audio-konferenčních služeb a zhruba 35 milionů minut webových konferenčních služeb. Úspěšný uchazeč musí mít minimální roční obrat v období posledních tří uzavřených finančních let (v případě konsorcia nebo subdodavatele se obraty sčítají) €1.000.000. Zadavatel požaduje minimálně 6ti členný realizační tým (viz specifikace dále). Povinné reference za poslední tři roky: hlavní službou musí být „webové a audio-konferenční služby“. Musí splňovat alespoň dvě z následujících čtyř podmínek: * celkový rozpočet zakázky minimálně €500.000 * pokrytí minimálně pěti zemí EU * zákazník je institucí/firmou s více než 300 zaměstnanci * práce na základě SLA – Service Level Agreement.

Deadline pro odevzdání nabídek 6/7

S vítězem tendru bude uzavřena bude rámcová smlouva na 4 roky.

Vyžadovány budou kvalitní konzultační služby – z toho vyplývá požadavek na počet a kvalifikaci realizačního týmu:

* inženýr (minimálně jedno CV) • Post-secondary education studies of minimum 3 years in ICT or another relevant field certified by a diploma or 3 years of experience in addition to the experience requirement below * Minimum 1 year experience in Network solutions construction. Knowledge and practical experience with one or more technologies and products used. * Minimum 1 year with the relevant technologies and products relevant to the project/mission, including the ability to define the technical details of installation configurations, their testing and troubleshooting, as well as their documenting and handover * Minimum 1 year with one or more Networking technologies such as LAN/WAN, TDM, VOIP/IPT, Internet Telephony, Multi-media, Audio Conferencing, Web Conferencing and Video Conferencing, Security, with relevant related products, processes and tools

* trainer (min 2 CV) • Post-secondary education studies of minimum 3 years in ICT or another relevant field certified by a diploma or 3 years of experience in addition to the experience requirement below • Minimum a total of 2 years’ experience intraining delivery • In depth knowledge of the products • English/French skills – Minimim level B2 in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages)

* Senior Engineer / Product Specialist (1CV) • Post-secondary education studies of minimum 3 years in ICT or another relevant field certified by a diploma or 3 years of experience in addition to the experience requirement below • Minimum 6 years’ experience in ICT • Strong experience in consulting • Strong experience in enterprise ICT architecture models and tools, notably in the domain of Networking solutions • Proven experience with quality procedures • Strong experience in the realisation of studies • Minimum 4 years with one or more Networking technologies such as LAN/WAN, TDM, VOIP/IPT, Internet Telephony, Multi-media, Audio Conferencing , Web Conferencing and Video Conferencing, Security, with relevant related products, processes and tools • Proven experience in migration projects in the domain of Audio Conferencing and Web Conferencing Services

* Project Manager / Consultant (1 CV)  • Post-secondary education studies of minimum 3 years in ICT or another relevant field certified by a diploma or 3 years of experience in addition to the experience requirement below • Minimum 5 years’ experience in ICT * Minimum 4 years’ experience in Project Management of Network solutions construction. Practical experience with one formal Project Management methodology and the system development life-cycle is desirable. • Minimum 4 years of experience in a project management tool. • Proven experience with quality procedures. • Minimum 2 years with one or more Networking technologies such as LAN/WAN, TDM, VOIP/IPT, Internet Telephony, Multi-media, Audio Conferencing, Web Conferencing and Video Conferencing, Security, with relevant related products, processes and tools • Experience in migration projects in the domain of Audio Conferencing and Web Conferencing Services would be an asset

* Senior Consultant / Network Architect (1 CV) • Post-secondary education studies of minimum 3 years in ICT or another relevant field certified by a diploma or 3 years of experience in addition to the experience requirement below • Minimum 4 years’ experience in ICT • Minimum 3 years’ experience in Network solutions construction. • Minimum 3 years with the relevant technologies and products relevant to the project/mission, including the ability to define the technical details of installation configurations, their testing and troubleshooting, as well as theirdocumenting and handover • Minimum 3 years with one or more Networking technologies such as LAN/WAN, TDM, VOIP/IPT, Internet Telephony, Multi-media, Audio Conferencing, Web Conferencing and Video Conferencing, Security, with relevant related products, processes and tools • Experience in migration projects in the domain of Audio Conferencing and Web Conferencing Services would be an asset

Další povinné požadavky:

* Prices may be subject to annual benchmarking by a qualified and objective third party selected by the EU Institutions and the resulting price will apply with effect from the start of each new contract year. The erosion factor proposed by the tenderer will apply independently of the benchmarking with effect from the start of each new contract year.

* The billing is established in Euro per second.

* No minimum cost will be applied to a conference.

* No minimum duration will be applied to a conference.

* Unsuccessful conference joining attempts are free of charge. Tariffs are fully inclusive of all services and cost elements

* The tariffs are independent of time slots (applicable 24 hours per day, any day of the year).

* The proposed services must not include Flash player at all.

* Audio-Conferencing and Web-Conferencing infrastructure must be located entirely in the European Union.

* The Conferencing infrastructure must provide:

– the possibility to schedule ahead a Web and/or Audio-Conference and have invitations sent to the participants.

–  the possibility of automatic dial-out telephony calls of the participants at start of a scheduled conference.

–  the possibility to start right away a conference and invite participants on the fly.

–  the possibility to manage participants (identify/accept/reject a participant, mute/un-mute the audio channel per participant, show/hide video channel per participant).

–  the possibility of in-band Audio features (not telephony-based) in a Web-conference.

–  the possibility of Video-Conferencing using a WEBCam.

–  the possibility to participate in a conference using a browser on a workstation (running on at least Windows, MacOS, Linux) complemented by a Video (Webcam) and/or Audio (microphone and speakers).

–  the possibility to show Slide presentations with annotations.

–  the possibility of assisted Conference setup and moderation.

–  the possibility of in-session or in-call access to a remote Service Desk for technical assistance to the moderator.

–  the possibility for end-users, disposing of a permanent Audio-Conferencing account, to organise their own Audio-Conferences via the internet without the need to install any extra provider-specific software.

–  possibility for end-users, disposing of a permanent Web-Conferencing account, to organise their own Web-Conferences via the internet without the need to install any extra provider-specific software.

–  the possibility to organise assisted conferences within normal working hours on normal working days.

–  unassisted Conferencing 24 hours per day, any day of the year.

–  additional secure PIN codes (or any other mechanism) enabling the moderator to identify the callers, wherever they call from

– the possibility to use a Whiteboard with annotation.

–  the possibility to use Text Chatting between the participants, or between the moderator and selected participants.

–  the possibility to record the Conference.

–  the possibility to share Application window.

–  the possibility to share Documents.

–  the possibility for multiple participants to edit a shared document.

–  the possibility to delegate the session control from moderator to one participant.

–  the possibility to organise Webinars or Webcasts involving more than 300 participants.

– The Conferencing solution must be compatible at least with Internet Explorer, Edge and Firefox browsers. It must be possible to use the Conferencing service from a locked down Windows 7 Enterprise Architecture 64 and 32 bit on which: · End Users have no local administrative rights on their workstation · It is not allowed to run binaries from the network and temporary folders.

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