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Creation of audiovisual creative content for the EU Committee of the Regions

AV services: Motion picture and video tape production and related services

Buyer: Committee of the Regions of the European Union, CDR – Committee of the Regions of the European Union, Brussels

Estimated value excluding VAT: €2.400.000

48-months framework contract

Deadline for receipt of tenders: 09/09/2024

Background and objectives: The European Committee of the Regions (CoR) and in particular the Directorate for Communication (DC) is launching an invitation to tender for the provision of audiovisual services. The services are mainly used for the creation of audiovisual creative content, the audiovisual coverage of the CoR main activities, and the provision of material and facilities for audiovisual journalists.

The CoR communication strategy can be consulted here: The CoR is seeking for an agile, versatile and creative contractor that is willing to work on small innovative cross-platform audiovisual projects, podcasts series, new audio or video formats (VR, 3D, etc.), out-of-the-box video campaigns for social media, social media streaming, as well as on bigger audiovisual coverage of events, hybrid broadcast of events, and the provision of services, material and facilities for TV and Radio journalists and photographic coverage of events.

Our audiovisual production work includes (not exhaustive):

EU is cohesion series

Green deal series

European week of regions and cities

For more women in politics

Regions & Cities in action series

Europcom podcasts
Instagram Reels

The services include the audiovisual coverage of plenary sessions, conferences, and summits happening on CoR premises as well as in other venues (in and outside in Brussels, in EU and non-EU countries) with provision of ENG Crews, stand-ups for interviews, editing facilities, light TV studios, photographers, photo editors, etc.
The usual target audience for CoR audiovisual services includes:

  • CoR Social media audience
  • CoR members;
  • representatives of local and regional authorities;
  • regional and local media;
  • journalists accredited to or reporting on the CoR and the EU;
  • TV and radio news broadcasters and photo press agencies;
  • members of the public interested by the CoR and attending CoR events and
    other activities;
  • Europe by Satellite, the EU broadcasting service.

Services required

The CoR is seeking assistance with the following communication tasks (the list is non-

Strategic activities:

  • definition of objectives;
  • definition and segmentation of the target audience;
  • designing the strategy, messages and localisation;
  • social media strategy for audiovisual products;
  • definition of a timeline and setting out the measurable outcomes;
  • research, analysis and adoption of latest audio-visual trends specific to the
    different channels;
  • proposing creative concepts;
  • developing dissemination and promotion strategies for social media and other
  • monitoring and updating of information concerning new developments and
    trends, particularly with regard to the production and distribution of audiovisual



  • budgeting and planning;
  • hiring of teams/equipment;
  • scout location;
  • development of original concepts, content/story research;
  • script ideas and scenarios, animated graphics or animations (2D or 3D);
  • acquisition of rights;
  • organising shootings;

  • Production:
  • production of video/audio/photo for all platforms (Facebook, Instagram, X,
    LinkedIn, YouTube, CoR website, CoR activities, or other future platforms the
    CoR might launch its presence) in various formats: documentaries, reportages,
    including 360 videos, VR, promotional clips, TV spots, video products and
    campaigns aimed at social media, podcasts, motion design…;
  • live coverage of events and live-broadcasting (multi camera) through social
    media and digital existing platforms or new one that may appear on the market;
  • managing live web/ social media streaming (from different venues with different
    technical requirements);
  • overseeing studio operations (set-up, installation, transmission) and operating
    studio/multicamera equipment;
  • co-productions with radio and television, and other media where appropriate;
  • audiovisual coverage of events (‘media support’), press briefings (including
    interviews), conferences, exhibitions, concerts, production of news items, video
    stockshots, recordings of statements…;
  • support for TV and radio journalists covering CoR events in the EU (ENG crews,
    transcoding, editing, pool signal, TV studio, social media streaming, etc.) In view
    of the unpredictable nature of news reporting and the associated constraints,
    the contractor must be able to respond to an order for the supply of services at
    very short notice;
  • photographic coverage and related services (editing, distributing);

  • Post-production:
  • editing with animations/graphics and subtitles;
  • animating, motion design and 3D composition;
  • photo editing;
  • transposition and reproduction of all products for dissemination in the
    appropriate formats;
  • preparing shortlists and providing metadata;
  • licenses for editing and film software, licenses for video/photo/music databases,
    buying of plugins & templates, video/image/streaming software licenses;
  • ensuring IPR compliance;

  • Dissemination:
  • generating the necessary media / social media / dissemination strategies to
    reach the established audience and objectives;


  • purchase the advertising space (social media adverting, more rarely media
    advertising) according to the agreed media plans and available budgets
    including online and social media promotion;
  • production of audiovisual press reviews, monitoring, analysing and reporting on
    uptake, feedback and success of products and campaigns in the media
  • mapping and activating stakeholder;
  • quantitative and qualitative monitoring of the actual take-up;

  • Trainings:
  • video/photo training for CoR staff members;
  • training for filming/editing/sound techniques;
  • training for technical equipment;
  • training for software;
  • media training;

  • Provision of material and services:
  • research, consultancy and follow-up for purchase of equipment;
  • installation of equipment, testing, maintenance;
  • installation, renting and maintenance of an editing cell on the CoR premises
    (Adode premiere suite);
  • rental and maintenance of equipment, the service provider should be able to
    rent/buy turn-key audio, video and photo equipment at the DC’s request;
  • hiring of video technicians to work on a long-term basis on CoR premises;
  • subscription to video/music/photo databases, podcast hosting platforms;

  • In addition to the delivery of audiovisual productions to target audiences, the
    Contractor will make available to the ordering service the masters of the edited
    material, as well as editing projects and full rushes of the audio-visual products.

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