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WHO nabízí pětiletý kontrakt na XML převod svého 80ti stránkového měsíčního Bulletinu

Tendr: Provision of a content XML solution to produce the WHO Bulletin via single-source publishing

Zadavatel: World Health Organisation (WHO), Ženeva

Deadline 9. února

Základní info: The purpose of this Request for Proposals is to enter into a contractual agreement with a successful bidder and select a suitable Contractor to provide a cloud-based server/platform that allows for the XML transformation of the full contents of each monthly issue of the Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 80 pp per month approximatively, for at least five years.

Objectives of the present activity: The content XML-based single-source publishing and XML transformation allows WHP, which produces the WHO Bulletin, to meet increased demand for publishing output in the context of reduced staffing levels. In addition, this single-source publishing solution facilitates the repurposing of content for translations and second editions, allowing for strict version control and for storage and management of files in multiple languages, including Arabic, Chinese, English, French, German, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish. This solution should allow for the generation of multiple formats, including accessible PDFs, standard ePubs, Kindle ePubs and DAISY books, meeting users’ needs for digital publications and United Nations’ requirements for accessible formats. In addition, this solution allows the WHO Bulletin to comply with the open-access requirements of Plan S, which WHO joined in 2019.

This technical solution has also been implemented in the Regional Office for Europe (EURO) publications for journals and books, and it is now being integrated into the new publishing system and new website online reader that HQ will be launching in 2021. Eventually, WHO Press will pilot this XML-based single-source publishing process for books, in addition to journals, and the unit’s staff are part of a working group with other stakeholders across WHO to develop a strategy for digital content including digital publications. In addition, WHO will require a service package for technical support.

WHO requires the successful bidder, the Contractor, to provide a technical solution, including an online platform, to allow for the production and publication of monthly issues of the WHO Bulletin using an XML-based single-source approach. The solution shall allow the WHO Bulletin team to maintain their current XML-first approach to publishing the monthly journal. This workflow starts with Word templates, which are tagged with styles using Inera’s eXtyles publishing software. Extyles allows for the generation of an XML file for each WHO Bulletin content item. These XML files need then to be transformed to generate the required formats for the WHO Bulletin, HTML, PDF etc which are then published. An XML solution has been in place for the last 11 years and has been shown to decrease layout costs and improve timeliness of page proofs; allow WHO to publish in six UN languages; and to allow WHO’s publishing output be compatible with Adobe InDesign. In addition, the XML-based solution should be platform neutral and complementary to the eXtyles software already in use at WHP. The solution should be able to interface with the digital asset management section of Biblio, WHO’s new title management system. The solution should be a scalable and flexible single-source publishing solution that meets WHO’s requirements for archiving and ownership of final source files. The solution should ensure business continuity by providing service agreement for the WHO Bulletin team..

Previous experience:

• Previous work with WHO, other international organizations and/or major institutions in the field of single-source automated publishing and XML transformation is essential.

• Proven experience in generating multiple formats that can be rendered on the Internet and accessed from all devices, XML-based workflows, to allow for digital distribution of publications is essential.

• Proven expertise in generating multiple format outputs, XML-based workflows and collaborative workflows within working groups is essential.

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