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Web-site testing pro agenturu EPO z Mnichova


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Tendr: Web agency services and web site testing

Zadavatel: The European Patent Organisation, HQ v Mnichově, sites in The Hague, Berlin, Vienna and Brussels


Bidders should be able to provide the following services for intranet, internet and extranet sites (unless otherwise stated):

1. Project management (in the scope of the co-operation between the EPO and the successful bidder).

2. User requirements analysis and specification including: 

a. identifying target groups,  b. liaising with EPO application managers, service owners, internal business analysts, technical product owners etc. c. eliciting requirements directly from target group representatives, including using existing documentation, dedicated surveys, focus groups and one-onone interviews,  d. creating personas,  e. analysing user tasks,  f. developing use cases and scenarios,  g. involving real users at relevant stages of the process (UCD),  h. prioritising,  i. preparing concepts for new functionalities. j. drafting user requirement documents, k. drafting specifications for IT implementation of user requirements

3. Benchmarking and trend analysis and providing recommendations based on analysis.

4. Planning and moderating workshops for:

a. collecting user requirements,  b. gathering feedback to concepts and designs,  c. final approvals of deliveries d. training on best online practices

5. Website and web application concept development including: 

a. information architecture (e.g. site structures, page types, access points, customer journeys etc.), b. new or improved functionalities according to user requirements and state of the art,  c. accessibility-specific issues,  d. device-specific issues (PC vs mobile devices vs other emerging devices), e. Context-specific issues (static pages vs simple & complex web applications; e-learning interfaces; etc.) f. limitations of off-the-shelf software, g. wire framing h. feasibility proofing.

6. Using the EPO design system as a resource, defining additional design principles as well as concrete GUI design for the web (desktop and mobile) and feeding them back to the design system. Some tasks will have to take into account limitations of off-theshelf software. The selected bidder will act as the lead web design agency and will be asked on a case by case basis to closely cooperate with the corporate lead design agency and the EPO Brand Manager to ensure that design recommendations are fully consistent with the overall corporate branding of the EPO. Please note the planned review explained under point

7. Creating styleguides or updating existing ones (as part of the EPO design system). 

8. HTML, CSS, JS programming according to the agreed concepts and designs, including accessibility aspects and necessary quality assurance before handover to EPO. Please note that HTML, CSS, JS programming will only be requested in very urgent cases. In other cases it is foreseen that the EPO will commission software development from a different, dedicated service provider. If HTML, CSS, JS is requested from the web agency, it will be obliged to liaise and co-ordinate with the other service provider to fit the development into an existing framework. Resources for this co-ordination must be foreseen in the agency estimations in such cases. 

9. Documentation (concept, design, frontend, technical specification).

10. Functional and design testing (based on agreed test scenarios) and necessary quality assurance 

11. Search engine optimisation & other search engine issues

12. Hosting, maintenance & support for the blog of the President (currently on WordPress) as well as the website for the European Inventor Award Popular Prize voting

13. Editorial support and/or consultancy 14. Consultancy to improve the EPO’s web governance including drafting or support in drafting policies, guidelines, processes, workflows etc


Usability testing or other forms of user research (interview, focus group, etc) may be requested to support evidence-based development of the EPO web presence. The following services may be requested: 

a. definition of issues to test, 

b. drafting scenarios, 

c. preparing fit-for-purpose prototypes (including clickable prototypes) in cooperation with the web agency

d. carrying out the tests 

e. documenting outcome of the tests

f. providing improvement recommendations

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