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The cost of non-cooperation in European defence



Lákavé, možná se do toho pustím sám. Ale ocenil bych pomoc, někoho jako Franta Šulc (co ty na to Franto?).

Evropská obranná agentura EDA hledá zájemce, kteří by po ni byli schopni sepsat studii o výhodách a nevýhodách evropské vojenské spolupráce. Resp. kdo by bylo schopen poskytnout jí co nejvíc argumentů, statistik apod. ve prospěch spolupráce… A kdo by ukázal, že nespolupráce je nevýhodná. Tak to by zas nemuselo být tak těžké. Je na to 6 měsíců a 120 tisíc euro (bez dph).


i am thinking about taking part in but I will need some help:

Contract notice: pooling and sharing — the cost of non-cooperation in European defence

The aim of the contract is, in the context of delivering, efficiently and effectively the future military capabilities required by EU Member States, to: survey the existing academic/government literature analysing the costs and benefits of European collaboration highlighting the most effective models and most convincing case studies; develop cost benefit analysis cases in 5 specific areas to be agreed with the EDA (and to include collaboration on future satellite communications, armoured infantry fighting vehicles, and basic logistic support to CSDP operations — provisions of food/water/fuel, etc.); produce a generic mathematical assessment model to assess the benefits and the probability of success of future collaboration particularly with regard to different types of pooling and sharing based on concrete success criteria and factors. The study will feed into the Agency’s strategic approach on the ‘business case’ for Europe and support the promotion of work on specific future pooling and sharing options.

time limit: 6 months

budget max: 120.000 euros without VAT

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