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Software platform for facility, inventory, asset and event management for the EDA agency



Zakázka: Software platform for facility, inventory, asset and event management

Zadavatel: The European Defence Agency (EDA), Brussels

Kontrakt na 4 roky / budget €134.800

The sought software platform (‘the Platform’) will be used by EDA to manage in particular its facilities, inventory, assets and events. In addition, the platform can be considered and used also for other purposes depending on its design and functionality and according to the evolving needs of the EDA.

The services to be provided under the contract shall include at least the following tasks:

  1. Provision of the Platform as a service (SaaS/PaaS). It can be hosted either directly by the Tenderer or in a commercial cloud environment.
  1. Consultancy services allowing the configuration of the Platform in accordance with EDA needs and business processes and its actual implementation within EDA including the transformation of relevant business processes and education and training of end users.

EDA is looking for software delivering the required functionality ‘out-of-the-box’ or via supported and documented configuration activities which can be performed by advanced users or IT staff of the Agency, without customisation of the Platform, without development of additional software components by the tenderer and without extensive consultancy support by the tenderer.

Solutions failing to meet this requirement will be excluded from the competition. The following definitions clarify what functionality is EDA looking for:

Facilities: Parts of the premises or specific installations on the premises designed for a certain purpose, such as offices, meeting rooms, parking places, HVAC, technical rooms, lifts, etc.

Location: Is a physically existing place (room, office, entrance hall, garage, garden, lift, etc.) where items may be physically located.

Facility management: Is a process designed to take stock of all the facilities available on the premises, their parameters such as location, dimensions, capacity or status and their actual usage and of the installed equipment.

Inventoried Item: A tangible or intangible item which is subject to registration and tracing in terms of its location and usage by the organisation during its lifecycle.

Inventory management: Is a process designed to register items upon their arrival to EDA and trace their location and actual usage during their lifecycle.

Asset: Is an inventoried item the financial value of which exceeds a specified threshold.

Asset management: Is a process designed to provide compliance with the EU financial regulations with regards to financial accounting of assets owned by the EDA.

Event: Is a meeting, visit, technical or service intervention organised or initiated by EDA, involving EDA staff and people external to EDA, such as meeting participants, visitors (both including VIPs), job candidates, consulants, technicians. Events can occur both inside and outside EDA premises.

Event management: Is a process designed to keep control of all the events in EDA scope and of all the people, equipment and services involved in an event, facilitate the organisation of events and keep records of all organised events.

Consultancy will be required for assistance in the following areas:

  • Requirements gathering
  • Configuration of the Software
  • Data migration, export/import
  • Coaching of EDA advanced users and/or IT staff in the configuration of the Software
  • Adjustment of business processes within EDA in order to match the philosophy of the Software
  • End user assistance and training

Project management activities may be required in order to facilitate the process of requirements gathering, software configuration and adjustment of EDA business processes.

Projevení zájmu – deadline: 6/11 – 17.00

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