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Renewal of INTERPOL BGP internet architecture with DDoS and WAN over 2 datacenters



Tender: Renewal of BGP internet architecture with DDoS and WAN over 2 datacenters of the Interpol Secure Cloud, in Lyon (France) and Singapore.

Contracting Authority: Interpol, Lyon – Francie

Duration: 60 months

The present open call for tenders shall be divided into two phases:

Phase 1 – Call for application (with NDA signing) – deadline 11/2*

Phase 2 – Call for tenders

* Only those Candidates whose bid has been deemed admissible at the end of Phase 1 and who has signed a non-disclosure agreement shall be entitled to receive both Administrative and Technical Specifications and consequently submit a bid as part of Phase 2.

Background: Interpol is issuing the present open call for tenders with a view to the conclusion and execution of a contract to deliver the necessary equipment and services to renew INTERPOL BGP Internet architecture with DDoS and WAN over two datacenters of the INTERPOL Secure Cloud in Lyon, France and Singapore.

 The tender is organized in batches, each batch may have a different operational starting date.

 1. BATCH 1, DC1 BGP INTERNET Access, operational 05/2020

2. BATCH 2, DC3 BGP INTERNET Access, operational 05/2020

3. BATCH 3, DDoS protection, operational 05/2020

4. BATCH 4, DC1-DC3 private link, operational 03/2021

Bidders will be able to candidate on one or several batches.

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