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Refugees and asylum officials to be played by hired actors


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Call: Video production with actors for educational purposes

Buyer: European Union Agency for Asylum, Valletta, MALTA

4-years long framework contract (single) / budget €1.000.000

Deadline: 6/2

Objectives: The overall objective of the contract resulting from the present procurement procedure is the provision of video production services for training purposes. This will enable the Training and Professional Development Centre in EUAA in the process of revising and redesigning new training modules that will include in relevant cases, audio-visual materials such as video components.


* Declaration on Honour (SSF 6)

* Proof of enrolment in a relevant trade or professional register

* Financial capacity – Criterion F1:

Average yearly turnover of the last three financial years above EUR 250,000.

Evidence: Copy of the profit and loss accounts for the last three years for which accounts have been closed from each concerned involved entity, or, failing that, appropriate statements from banks. The most recent year must have been closed within the last 18 months.

Technical and professional capacity – Criterion T1:

At least 3 similar (in scope and complexity) contracts completed in the last three years preceding the tender submission deadline, with a minimum value for each of them € 30.000,00.

Evidence: A list of contracts meeting the minimum level of capacity. The list shall include details of their start and end date, total contract amount and scope, role and amount invoiced. Only the portion completed during the reference period (although started earlier) will be taken into consideration. In case of contracts still on-going only the portion completed during the reference period will be taken into consideration.

A sample of 3 videos or films (from 1 minute to 10 minutes length), with at least one actor and/or voice over with music, sound effects and subtitles (if applicable), on any thematic/topic, produced in the last three years.

The videos do not have to be produced under a contract with a minimum value of EUR 30.000,00.

The format can be mp4 or any other readable format. Videos of a longer length than specified above can be cut off to fit in the range above.

Submission method for a sample of video:

Via e-Submission application as part of the evidence for criterion T1: Tenderer must provide a link to the produced video (to be streamed or downloaded).

Technical and professional capacity – Criterion T2:

The tenderer must have appropriate human resources able to provide the service as listed in the Technical Specifications. Some profiles (except the contract manager and the director) might be subcontracted if needed. The profiles must be in line with the experience, qualifications and skills included under the technical specifications. Some profiles (except the contract manager and the director) might be optional depending on the project.

Minimum level of capacity

At least one Contract manager, fulfilling the minimum requirements described under point of the Technical Specifications.

At least one Producer/project manager, fulfilling the minimum requirements described under point of the Technical Specifications.

At least one Director, fulfilling the minimum requirements described under point of the Technical Specifications.

At least one Script writer, fulfilling the minimum requirements described under point of the Technical Specifications

At least one Technician (Camera Operator), fulfilling the minimum requirements described under point of the Technical Specifications.

At least one Technician (Editor), fulfilling the minimum requirements described under point of the Technical Specifications.

At least one Actor (senior), fulfilling the minimum requirements described under point of the Technical Specifications

Evidence: The tenderer must provide CVs, preferably in European Format (europass). The required level of English language based on the CEFR levels18 will be assessed based on the self-declaration contained in the CV.

Note: One person can apply/cover 2 or more profiles, provided that minimum requirements for each of the profile(s) applied for are fulfilled.


1 – Level of quality and compliance with the script of video production in terms of: (a) location; (b) actor’s performance; (c) production; (d) final product.

Produce a video following the requirements below:

– The setting is indoors.

– The duration of the video is between 2 and 6 minutes.

– The video represents an actor following the script.

– There are no specific requirements for age, gender and physical features.

– The actor should follow the script provided below:

The scene opens with the actor seated behind a desk and with headphones on. On the desk there is just a laptop with a mouse and some papers (those should resemble to working documents).

The actor plays the role of an asylum officer speaking to an applicant (for international protection) remotely via a video call.

The asylum officer should behave naturally, be professional and calm in the introduction and in the following question. Then his/her attitude slightly changes, showing a slightly irritated behaviour. The officer should show signs of distractions (for ex. looking at his/her mobile phone or looking slightly disengaged).

SCENARIO script:

The following dialogue is a remote interview setting. We only see the asylum officer speaking with headphones to the applicant via a video call. An interpreter is connected during the video call and will be referred to by the asylum officer, however, we do not hear or see the interpreter in the video.

Introduction: Good morning Yonas. My name is Thomas. Everything you say here today will be treated as confidential. An interpreter is also connected in the call in case of need to support us. In your file, I can see that you speak Etheric and Zircoli. Which language would you like to be interviewed in?

We cannot hear the answers of the applicant but we should allow some time for the applicant to reply. The reply is short, maximum one or two sentences.

Asylum officer: Before we start, I would like to ask you to turn off your mobile phone or to mute it and put it away. I have done the same. It is important that we focus on our conversation now and are not interrupted. Also, I need to inform you that this interview will be audio recorded and in addition, I will take notes on what we discuss. The audio recording and the transcript will be included in your file and will be taken into consideration for the decision of your application.

I know we started with some delay today. This was due to the previous interview taking longer than expected, I apologise you had to wait. Do you feel fit to be interviewed today?

We cannot hear the answers of the applicant but we should allow some time for the applicant to reply. The reply is short maximum one or two sentences.

Asylum officer: Great. I can imagine you are a little nervous. I would be if I where you. When I get nervous, I always think of my hobbies or something nice I have experienced, and it calms me down. Have you experienced something nice recently or do you have a hobby that you would like to share?

We cannot hear the answers of the applicant but we should allow some time for the applicant to reply. The reply is short maximum one or two sentences.

Asylum officer: That is nice. I am a great football fan but my daughters are not. Do you have children?

The reply is short maximum one or two sentences.

Asylum officer: Tell me more about your son.

The reply is short maximum one or two sentences.

Asylum officer: We will take a break now and you can get some fresh air.


2 – Effectiveness of the proposed project organisation and approach for ensuring quality assurance and quality control.

Describe the quality control mechanism (max 5 pages); the project cycle (max 5 pages); the proposed contingency measures (max 3 pages)20.

The tenderer shall provide a description of a timeline (in terms of days) and organisation for each proposed step of the video production process (pre- production, production and post production), as defined in point 4.1 of the Tender specifications – Part 2: Technical specifications, which will clearly explain the progression of the contract/project as well as any relevant systems/tools/method planned to be used in video production.

The tenderer shall provide a description of Internal Review quality mechanism in place that should cover different phases of video/film production and should explain who and when of the personnel is involved in the revision in each phase of production. In addition, one or more rounds of feedback from EUAA to the project should be clearly incorporated in this quality feedback mechanism.

During video production it is crucial to ensure the secure handling and sharing of confidential materials. This is particularly important when the videos produced are intended for use as exam material, where the integrity and confidentiality of the content must be rigorously protected. To address these concerns, the tenderer shall describe recommended robust solutions for the secure sharing of confidential files.


3 – Quality of the technical resources, including available technologies, venues/studios, filming equipment and other equipment and devices.

Describe the technical resources (max 3 pages)21 and locations and their quality

The tenderer has to provide a description of the quality of available technologies, venues/studios, filming equipment and other equipment or devices that will be used during contract implementation in producing videos (including any subcontracted equipment). The tenderer must also describe how this equipment and technologies will be used during the contract implementation. The equipment proposed must comply with the minimum requirements of the technical specifications.

Provide concrete examples of available space, locations (indoor, outdoor) with pictures and/or videos. If locations are available prior to additional costs (renting, permits etc.) please specify it in detail including costs and local permits needed and timeframe expected.


4 Quality of pre-production portfolio

Describe (a) the concept, script and storyboard (max 10 pages); (b) the production plan, team members and budget (max 5 pages); (c) the quality assurance, feedback and contingency management (i.e. delays, changes …) (max 5 pages) 22.

A set of documents is expected to comply with the scenario described below:


EUAA is finalising an e-learning course for Becoming an EUAA Trainer and Assessor (BETA) aimed at training asylum and reception officials across Europe. As part of this course, a brief 60-second video will be developed to depict a scenario where an experienced trainer collaborates with a co-trainer to deliver a face-to-face training session to a group of learners (size of group 5) from various EU countries.

The video is being used as a dynamic visual example within the e-learning course, showing how collaboration between trainers enhances the learning experience and effectively communicates key principles and challenges in asylum and reception.

Scene description

Opening Scene (10-15 seconds)

The video begins with the lead trainer introducing the session’s focus on communication principles, while the co-trainer prepares materials in the background.

Collaboration and Interaction (20-25 seconds)

The trainers collaborate, demonstrating effective co-training techniques. They engage the learners with a brief role-play or a key point discussion, emphasising collaboration and best practices in training.

Closing Scene (10-15 seconds)

The video concludes with a quick summary of the session’s key takeaways, highlighting the importance of teamwork and effective communication in training asylum and reception officials.

Tenderers should provide a concise proposal that outlines their approach to capturing the essence of this scenario within the 60-second. This should include:

• A brief concept description.

• A proposed script and visual storyboard.

• A plan for production, including creative techniques to ensure clarity and engagement.

• A description of the team members who will be involved highlighting their relevant skills and experience.

• A detailed budget that breaks down the costs associated with the production, including casting, equipment, post-production, and any resources.

• A plan for quality assurance, including how to ensure the video meets the educational objectives and adheres to the contracting authority’s standards.

• A process for incorporating feedback from the contracting authority at various stages of production.

Kindly note that a video file production for this criterion is not expected

This scenario and submission outline will help ensure that the video produced is not only professional and visually appealing but also pedagogically sound and relevant to the target audience of the scenario.


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