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Redesign of Flash-based On-Site Inspection E-Learning Modules


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Tender: Redesign of Flash-based On-Site Inspection E-Learning Modules

Contracting Authority: CTBTO -The Preparatory Commission for the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization, Vienna

Deadline: March 17

Purpose/objective of the project: The use of OSI e-learning resources takes place both prior to and throughout the conduct of the training programme and provides important background information and knowledge to training activity participants. Lessons identified from IFE14, the second training cycle and outputs from the Expert Meeting on Training, have identified the further development of OSI distance learning and simulation tools as a key priority for the development of the next training programme. This includes an analysis of the existing OSI training curriculum in order to identify topics which have traditionally been delivered through in-person presentations and to determine their suitability for conversion into e-learning resources. The Contractor will work with OSI staff members and subject matter experts on the redesign of e-learning modules. 

Scope of work and work tasks: This ToR calls for the redesign and delivery of 7 e-learning modules (each approximately 1.5 – 2.75 hours of learning time) (hereinafter referred to as “the Work”). The current modules are Flash-based. They do not meet Web accessibility W3C/WCAG 2.0 standards and are not accessible on iOS devices. Furthermore, Flash will be fully phased out by Adobe in 2020. 

These modules are preparatory resources in 3TC hybrid and online technique-specific training courses, as well as upcoming refresher trainings. They shall also be shared via the OSI E-Learning Library, a dynamic training repository which remains available to trainees in perpetuity.

Redesign Objectives:   Technical update: valid HTML5 code for modern and responsive design satisfying accessibility (WAI) requirements.  Content update: Making sure all content meets current state of CTBTO-expertise and contractual requirements.  Design: Homogenous design for all courses, modern look and feel, adaptable to changes in corporate design guidelines, suitable for current and also adaptable to future devices.  Maintenance of content: Easy adaption, quality assurance, error handling, change requests without being dependent on proprietary file formats.  Data handling: Versioning, historization of data, rollback incl. preview.

The modules, listed below, are core components of 3TC Introductory and Advanced Block curricula: 

Foundational Modules:  1. OSI Core Technologies and Techniques: Links to Signatures 2. Phenomenology and Signatures of Nuclear Explosions Course for OSI Inspectors Radiation Safety Programme:  3. Radiological Fundamentals 4. Biological Effects and Radiation Limits 5. Radiation Protection and Detection 6. Contamination Control, Incidents and Risk

Advanced Course Series 7. Using the G858


Bidder’s Experience  Experience in managing and executing work of similar scope and complexity. Please provide a description of past projects of similar scope and complexity in the past 5 years.  Especially focus on experience in developing E-Learning modules

Experience of staff  Demonstrated expert ability with off the shelf e-learning tools such as Adapt Framework and Adapt Authoring tool.  University degree in computer science, instructional design, or a related field with a strong emphasis on accessible e-learning and web design, graphic design, etc.  Demonstrate 3 to 5 years of recent experience in the development of technically and pedagogically sound elearning modules and resources.  Demonstrate 3 to 5 years of recent experience in use of HTML and for e-learning development.  Demonstrated ability to work effectively (and across distance) with subject matter experts and other stakeholders on the development of e-learning modules which deal with complex topics or detailed procedures resulting in effective learning resources.   Demonstrated experience in developing SCORM packages and working with LMS systems such as Moodle.  Demonstrate ability to communicate orally and in writing in English at a professional level.

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