Brussels connection

[the one that wins]

the best address for international procurement

Rada Evropy hledá IT firmu na Moodle a EZ Publishing

Call: Hosting services, maintenance, technical support and development to two externally hosted internet sites of the Youth Department   
Zadavatel: Council of Europe, Štrasburk

The call for tenders is divided into two lots, corresponding to each of the internet sites concerned. Bidders are entitled to bid for one or all lots. These sites are as follows: 

* – an e-learning platform in place since 2011 and hosting some 59 courses in 9 main categories. This platform is based on Moodle 3.6 and is the e-learning platform for all new courses and online learning activities. There are currently over 40 000 registered users.

* – a database for online applications for participants in the activities of the programme of activities of the Youth Department. There are currently 73 105 registered users. Hosts also, as a sub-site, the database of the Trainers Pool of the Youth Department with the potential for 150 individual Trainers profiles ( Based on EZ Publishing 5.9.0.

Deadline 20/1

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