Brussels connection

[the one that wins]

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Propojení poboček Evropského patentového úřadu WAN sítí



Tendr: Poskytování služeb rozsáhlé počítačové sítě mezi kancelářemi EPO (lokality v několika zemích) a Lucemburkem

Zadavatel: The European Patent Organisation (EPO), Munich, Germany

Rámcová smlouva na 5 let

Description of the contract:

a— Purpose of the contract:  The provision of Wide Area Network services between EPO-offices (locations in multiple countries) and Luxembourg.

b— Division into lots:

— Lot 1: Provision of WAN circuits between three EPO-offices (Rijswijk Shell, Munich BT7 buildings and the sub-office in Berlin) and Luxembourg: Carrier A,

— Lot 2: Provision of WAN circuits between three EPO-offices (Rijswijk Main, Munich Isar buildings and the sub-office in Vienna) and Luxembourg: Carrier B.

Place and period of performance:

a— Place at which the contract is to be performed:  Four locations of the EPO (Munich, The Hague /Rijswijk, Berlin, Vienna) and Luxembourg.

b— Duration of contract or time limit for delivery or completion of services /work: The contract shall have five years duration from acceptance.

Deadline: 16/5

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