Brussels connection

[the one that wins]

the best address for international procurement

Předmediální služby, služby tisku a multikanálové služby pro Publikační úřad EU. Při prvním vyhlášení se nikdo nepříhlásil

Zakázka: Předmediální služby, služby tisku a multikanálové služby

Zadavatel: Úřad pro publikace Evropské unie, 2, rue Mercier, Luxembourg

Místo práce/dodání: prostory dodavatele s dodáním do Noyelles-sous-Lens (FR) a Lucemburku. Mohou být požadovány i dodávky do Bruselu a na další místa, zejména v rámci Evropské unie.

To pass the selection phase, the following conditions must be fulfilled:

 The tenderer’s economic activity is relevant to the scope of the FWC.

 There are at least 12 operational staff (excluding managerial and administrative staff) at the contractor’s main site.

 The Publications Office has accepted at least three PRFs for premedia and three for printing services. They altogether fulfil all requirements set out in point above.

 In case of subcontracting exceeding 20 % per subcontractor, at least one PRF for the subcontractor must be accepted, showing the subcontractor’s experience in the tasks to be entrusted to him.

 All certificates are valid on the date of submission.

 The quality certificates or the other evidence of quality measures in place cover the whole production chain, both for premedia and printing. The certificates are provided for the consortium leaders and consortium members, as well as for subcontractors over 20 %, to the extent that they are proposed to participate in the production.

 As a minimum, the environmental certificates or other evidence of environmental measures in place cover the following areas: o Disposal of dangerous waste for printing. o Treatment of traditional waste.

The certificates are provided for the consortium leaders and consortium members, as well as for subcontractors over 20 %.

 The description of the machine park for the performance of the printing and finishing work is detailed and includes the number of machines, models, capacities and year of production.

 The tenderer, including its subcontractors where applicable, has the capacity to produce 640 000 A4 colour pages per 8-hour day.

 The tenderer has the capacity to apply lamination and spot-varnish finishing.

 The proposed paper qualities for generic and brand-equivalents – including their presentations in the catalogue – are complete, accurate and of sufficient quality. All papers proposed by the tenderer are of an archival quality compliant with DIN ISO 9706 or DIN 6738, and are at least elemental chlorine free (ECF) and certified FSC or PEFC. Recycled papers are processed chlorine free (PCF) and certified FSC recycled. The manufacturers of the paper are credited EMAS or ISO 14001.

 The hardware and software for prepress and premedia work is relevant and not outdated.

 The tenderer has the capacity to: o Manipulate at minimum Adobe Creative Cloud 2015.4 InDesign files (to be vjoon K4® compatible, see points and 4.6.1). o Manipulate at minimum Adobe Creative Cloud 2017 Illustrator files. o Manipulate at minimum Adobe Creative Cloud 2017 Photoshop files. o Manipulate at minimum Microsoft Office 2010 Word files. o Manipulate at minimum Microsoft Office 2010 Excel files. o Send and receive files via a secure FTP server.

Kontrakt na 40 měsíců / budget €6.000.000

Deadline 15/12

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