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POSLEDNÍCH 5 DNÍ!!! Produkce videí a podcastů pro Mnichov



Tendr na: Videos, photos & podcasts, support for streaming and audio visual activities

Zadavatel: European Patent Office (EPO), Munich GE

Doba trvání: max 5 let / budget nespecifikován

Pozn: EPO má několik pracovišť: v Nizozemsku (Rijswijk, Haag), Německu (Berlín, Mnichov) a v Rakousku (Vídeň). (The geographical area concerned by the contract will be mainly Munich and in some occasions The Hague, Vienna, and Berlin or Brussels)

Zakázka je rozdělena na 3 samostatné části (tj. je možné se hlásit do 1,2 nebo všech 3)

Lot 1 – Production of Videos and Podcasts

The Contractor will be required to translate the strategic goals of the EPO into audio-visual products containing readily comprehensible messages for the stakeholders and the non-specialist public, conveying the beneficial impact of the EPO’s activities on the everyday lives of European citizens.

The audio-visual products shall be innovative, attractive, creatively original and suitable for the target audience. For this purpose, the Contractor is expected to suggest concepts and formats and to make a cross sector (corporate videos, social media, podcasts) use of resources in order to diversify and innovate the audio-visual products with the aim of improving their impact.

The contractor will also be requested to produce videos and podcasts to support internal communication campaigns. These videos may also include interviews, testimonials recorded in different EPO’s premises

Základní požadavky (kromě dostatečných lidských a technických kapacit):

Average yearly turnover of the last two financial years above EUR 750,000 per year.

The geographical area concerned by the contract will be mainly within the 38 EPO’s Member States; therefore, the contractor must have a vast network of qualified service providers (producers, camera operators) based in different countries to assure the video production can take place.

Lot 2 – Production of videos and photos for the European Inventor Award

The European Inventor Award (EIA) is one of Europe’s most prestigious innovation prizes. Launched by the EPO in 2006, is the flagship event and the largest communications activity of the European Patent Office (EPO) each year. The Award honors individual inventors and teams of inventors whose pioneering inventions provide answers to some of the biggest challenges of our times. The finalists and winners are selected by an independent jury consisting of international authorities from the fields of business, politics, science, academia and research who examine the proposals for their contribution towards technical progress, social development, economic prosperity and job creation in Europe.

The Award promotes sixteen finalists (Thirteen finalists for the European Inventor Award and three finalists for the new Young Inventors Prize) and subsequently seven winners (One winner for each of the five categories under the European Inventor Award, one winner of the Popular Prize and one winner for the Young Inventors Prize). The Public selects the winner of the Popular Prize from amongst the finalists through online voting.

The EPO gives concrete examples of how inventors benefit society, grow the economy, create jobs and advance technology. During the entire year, the EPO makes use of the inventor stories in its communication to demonstrate the importance of innovation and patents to build a safer, smarter and more sustainable world.

Therefore, this project involves both an intense communication campaign that spans the entire year, and the organization of the event itself which takes place every year at the beginning of June. At various stages of the campaign and during the event, the audiovisual material plays an essential role to maximize the outreach of the campaign among the public at large.

Základní požadavky (kromě dostatečných lidských a technických kapacit):

Average yearly turnover of the last two financial years above EUR 750,000 per year.

The geographical area concerned by the contract will be within the 38 EPO’s member states and also in the rest of the world, therefore, the contractor must have a vast network of qualified service providers (producers, camera operators) based in different countries to assure that the video production can take place.

The tenderer shall submit letters of intent from his service providers network contact points (e.g. local bureau or subcontractors) based in:

• USA and Canada

• 3 different countries in Europe, with ability to cover the entire region.

• 3 different countries in Africa, with ability to cover the entire region;

• 3 different countries in the region consisting of: South America, Central America and the Caribbean, with ability to cover the entire region;

• 3 different countries in the region consisting of: Asia and the Middle East, with ability to cover the entire region;

• Australia and New Zealand

Lot 3 – Technical support for streaming liv Videos, photos & podcasts, support for streaming and audio visual activities e events and audio visual activities

The contractor will be required to provide human and technical resources to supplement existing AV resources within PD Communication for dedicated activities across all units internally and externally. These activities will take place mainly in Munich but also in other EPO sites or locations that will be agreed upon on a case-by-case basis.

Základní požadavky (kromě dostatečných lidských a technických kapacit):

Average yearly turnover of the last two financial years above EUR 750,000 per year

The geographical area concerned by the contract will be mainly Munich and in some occasions The Hague, Vienna, and Berlin or Brussels; therefore, the contractor must have a network of qualified service providers (producers, camera operators) based in different countries to assure the video production can take place, sometimes with short notice

The tenderer shall submit letters of intent from his service providers network contact points (e.g. local bureaux or subcontractors) based in The Netherlands, Austria, and Germany.

Deadline 19. listopadu

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