Brussels connection

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the best address for international procurement

OSN chce ve svém sídle v Ženevě zmodernizovat AV a konferenční systém


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Tendr: Provision of conference and broadcast systems as part of the Strategic Heritage Plan

Zadavatel: United Nations Office at Geneva

Closing Date for Receipt of EOI: 26 October 2018

DESCRIPTION OF REQUIREMENTS: The United Nations Office at Geneva (UNOG), Switzerland, located at the Palais des Nations, is the largest United Nations Office in Europe, providing conference support and facilitating the multi-lateral international diplomacy of the worldwide community. The United Nations General Assembly approved the establishment of the Strategic Heritage Plan (“SHP”) which includes the renovation of the existing Palais des Nations with more than 200,000 square meters and more than 30 conference rooms. UNOG will be launching a solicitation to provide the audio-visual, congress and broadcast systems for the renovation ofthe conference rooms and the newly created office meeting rooms of the existing Palais buidings.

SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS:  UNOG seeks expressions of interest from companies wishing to tender the provision of the audio-visual and broadcast installations at UNOG as part of the existing buildings renovation starting in mid-2019 until the end of 2023. UNOG is seeking an audio-visual integration contractor (“AV Contractor”) to finalize the engineered design and to, as appropriate, manufacture, provide, install and commission a fully functional and integrated AV and broadcast systems for typical office meeting rooms and large conference rooms with simultaneous interpretation systems. The AV Contractor will be required to provide support and maintenance during the warranty period and potentially beyond, within strict response times on site at UNOG.

The audio-visual and congress systems for the conference rooms will include, but not limited to:

  1. Conference Microphone & Simultaneous Interpretation System (CMSI) with voting features,
  2. Speech re-enforcement,
  3. Presentation, display and recording systems
  4. Video management including robotic cameras, video conferencing and webcasting,
  5. Features such as transcription and closed captioning,
  6. Centralized supervision and management of the conference room AV systems,
  7. Broadcast connectivity,
  8. Upgrade, repair and integration with exiting systems.

The scope of works may also include a new press room, television studio, temporary conferencing facilities and a media assets management system.

The AV contractor will also be responsible for any other audio-visual installation described in the RFP documents, such as presentation systems and video conferencing in meeting rooms, wayfinding, room booking screens and software, and the like.

These audio-visual works will be delivered in close coordination with the general contractor responsible for the overall renovation works. These works will also be provided in partially occupied buildings and therefore the phasing will be critical and temporary installation may be required to ensure business continuity.

The detailed scope of work will be given under the Request for Proposal document that will be sent to the firms who respond to this EOI.

Bidders will be expected to have worked in large scale audio-visual projects for conference and broadcast facilities and have the capability to deal with a complex site and installation timeline.

The UN seeks to promote effective international competition for the goods and service included within this bidding exercise. It is stressed however, that the appointed vendor must be onsite at UNOG during the design and execution works. During the warranty and maintenance periods, the vendor must be onsite within four (4) hours of a request by the UN. Further details will be sent out in the tender documentation but it is anticipated that this requirement may only be met by means of a presence in the region by the vendor or a member of its consortium (partnership or joint venture). These consortiums do not need to be identified now as part of the EOI response.

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