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Open Source Intelligence pro NATO. Prověrka nutná



Zadavatel: NATO Communications and Information Agency (NCI), SHAPE – Belgium

Zakázka: Provision of open source intelligence

Odhadovaný rozpočet: €2.000.000/ročně

Doba trvání kontraktu: 4 roky

Do tendru se nehlásí napřímo, zájemci musí kontaktovat své domácí “National responsible authorities” (v Česku je to ministerstvo obrany) s tím, aby odeslalo zadavateli oznámení o zájmu a základní administrativní informace. POZOR: je třeba mít bezpečnostní prověrku!!!

Deadline pro projevení zájmu (přes MO): 14. květen 2018

Vlastní vypsání tendru: červen 2018

Předpokládaný deadline: konec července 2018

Oznámení výsledku: říjen 2018

Zahájení práce: leden 2019

Detaily: The purpose is to identify the existence of a commercially available and effective OPEN SOURCE INTELLIGENCE capability in specific and general areas.

The provider(s) will have to comply with the existing infrastructure and applications in order to provide the information in the required format or through an API (Application Programmable Interface) to fit with standards.

The provision of information will allow NATO customer to query through key words all the documentations related to key words listed/recorded, but also to receive continuous flow of information/up-to-date information on specific or general areas as soon as the information is available.

The provision of information should be done through a secured point-to-point connection from the provider to an identified server managed by the Agency or identified accounts in the Agency network.

Non-exhaustive list of sources:

MEDIA: newspapers, magazines, radio, television and computer-based information.

Web-based communities and user-generated content: social-networking sites, video sharing sites, wikis and blogs.

Public data: government reports, official data such as budgets, demographics, hearings, legislative debates, press conferences, speeches, marine and aeronautical safety warnings, environmental impact statements and contract awards.

Professional and academic: conferences, professional associations, academic papers, and subject matter experts.

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