Brussels connection

[the one that wins]

the best address for international procurement

Nová evropská agentura z Bratislavy shání dodavatele kancelářských a psacích potřeb

Call: Dodavatel kancelářských a psacích potřeb

Zadavatel: Evropský orgán pro pracovní záležitosti (ELA), Bratislava

Kontrakt na 4 roky / the maximum amount for this contract is €53.000

Popis požadovaných služeb:

* Supply of an online catalogue containing a large range of office supply and stationery products for ELA;

* Reception, management and preparation of orders of office supply and stationery of ELA;

* Timely delivery and distribution of the ordered office supply and stationery for ELA on to its premises in Bratislava;

* Communication between ELA and the contractor within the scope of this framework contract, including the preparation and provision of statistics on the orders received from ELA.

Deadline pro projevení zájmu: 19/11

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