Brussels connection

[the one that wins]

the best address for international procurement

Nic není nemožné. O EU tendry není zas až taková rvačka… Někdy se stačí jenom přihlásit:)

Myslíte si také, že získat zakázku od Evropské komise nebo jiné EU-instituce je něco nemožného? Že se o každý tendr perou desítky nebo stovky neskutečně schopných firem z celé “27”? Hmmm…. Trochu statistiky, vezmu ukončené/vyhlášené tendry EK za posledních pět dnů a schválně, kolik se do každého z nich hlásilo zájemců:

L-Luxembourg: supply of statistical services — in the field of environment statistics lot 1 – 3 nabídky, lot 2 – 2 nabídky, lot 3 – 3 nabídky

B-Brussels: framework contract on helpdesk and other support services to the EURES portal 3 nabídky

I-Ispra: direct contracts for the supply and maintenance of radiation measurement equipment and relevant services — 8 lots lot 1 – 7 nabídek, lot 2 – 5 nabídek, lot 3 – 7 nabídek, lot 5 – 6 nabídek, lot 7 – 6 nabídek (ostatní zrušeny)

B-Brussels: study on geographical indication protection for non-agricultural products in the internal market 1 nabídka

B-Brussels: study on directors’ duties and liabilities 6 nabídek

B-Brussels: study on trade secrets and confidential business information in the internal market 1 nabídka

B-Brussels: study on e-procurement measurement and benchmarking lot 1 – 5 nabídek, lot 2 – 7 nabídek

B-Brussels: study of the cost of non-Europe: the untapped potential of the European single market 4 nabídky

B-Brussels: study on the impact of Directive 2007/64/EC on payment services in the internal market and on the application of Regulation (EC) No 924/2009 on cross-border payments in the Community 4 nabídky

B-Brussels: study on the impact of over-the-counter derivatives on the markets of underlying assets 3 nabídky

B-Brussels: study on the principles used to calculate the net costs of the postal universal service obligation 11 nabídek

B-Brussels: study on the pricing behaviour of postal operators and its effect on postal markets 6 nabídek

B-Brussels: Europe-wide awareness raising campaign on sustainable urban mobility 4 nabídky

B-Brussels: pilot project ‘Facilitating access to insurance by self-employed builders and small building firms so as to stimulate innovation and the promotion of eco-technologies in the EU 2 nabídky

B-Brussels: work on preparatory studies for implementing measures of the Ecodesign Directive 2009/125/EC lot 1 – 3 nabídky, lot 2 – 5 nabídek, lot 3 – 2 nabídky, lot 4 – 2 nabídky, lot 5 – 3 nabídky

B-Brussels: framework contract for long-term quantitative assessment of transport policy scenarios 3 nabídky

B-Brussels: framework contract for evaluation and impact assessment activities for the Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, MARE/2011/01 — lot 3: retrospective and prospective evaluations on the international dimension of the common fisheries policy 6 nabídek

B-Brussels: secretariat function for the mutual information system on social protection — Missoc 2 nabídky

B-Brussels: establishment, organisation, management and coordination of a European network of legal experts in the field of labour law 4 nabídky

B-Brussels: support to GNSS aviation standardisation 1 nabídka

B-Brussels: study on the products labelling options and consumer understanding of these options and the energy label 7 nabídek

TAKŽE  průměr je 4 ZÁJEMCI NA JEDNU ZAKÁZKU. A to to vyšlo ještě dost dobře, kdybych vybral cíleně nějakou jinou “vhodnější” periodu tak bych se snadno dostal na 1:1. Někdy prostě stačí jenom se přihlásit:) Nic není nemožné!


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