Brussels connection

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Návrh systému pro správu dat a infrastrukturu pro vojáky. Zadavatel: Evropská obranná agentura



Návrh standardní architektury pro systémy pro vojáky se zaměřením na správu dat a infrastrukturu (STASS II)

Zadavatel: Evropská obranná agentura, Brussels

Budget €246.500

Deadline pro odeslání nabídek: 27/9

Stručný popis zadání: The deliverable under this contract is the design of a Standard Architecture for Soldier Systems with focus on data management and infrastructure (STASS II), meeting the following substantial and formal requirements.

Substantial requirements – Operational effectiveness: The Standard Architecture for Soldier Systems (STASS) shall represent a comprehensive reference open architecture for dismounted soldiers performing typical European operations in a squad or similar formation as part of a platoon conducting major combat, counter insurgency, peace support or a peacetime military engagement. Although the architecture should focus on a soldier systém for a single soldier with different roles and system configurations, it shall also consider his squad context especially with regard to equipment shared on squad level. The STASS II shall improve operational effectiveness by reducing the burden on the individual dismounted soldier from a weight, cognitive and thermal perspective.

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