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NATO zaplatí na Slovensku kampaň za zvýšení podpory obrany Ukrajiny proti Rusku


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Zakázka: Design and Implementation of the Why Ukraine Matters (Slovakia) campaign

Zadavatel: NATO HQ, Brussels

Budget by se měl pohybovat mezi €80.000 a €150.000 (doporučení zadavatele)

Kampaň by měla trvat od května do srpna 2023

DEADLINE pro nabídku: May 19, 15:00

Cílem kampaně je zvýšit na Slovensku povědomí o tom, proč je pokračující podpora Ukrajiny důležitá, jak souvisí s vlastní bezpečností Slovenska a s rolí NATO při zajišťování této bezpečnosti.

Očekává se, že realizace kampaně bude hybridní a bude se skládat jak z osobních akcí, tak z digitálního obsahu.

1.       PRODUCT ID 
2.       PRODUCT TITLE AND SUMMARYProvide a very brief summary of the proposed product/ project.Title: Why Ukraine Matters Campaign implementationSummary:Implementation of the Why Ukraine Matters campaign from May to August 2023, encompassing various activities, multiple channels, content and organic and paid for promotion, if appropriate, to support the campaign on digital channels, based on the implementation plan at D-1.
3.       MAJORDELIVERABLES & DEADLINESExplain the deliverables to be achieved and set related deadlines to be met by the contractor.Deliverables: D-1 Detailed implementation planDeadline: Within 15 working days of contract award. The plan should cover all campaign activity including online and offline events, channel strategy, content grid, organic and paid digital strategy. D-2 Stakeholder mapping and engagementDeadline: Ongoing. Working with local partners will be key to the success of the campaign. Therefore, stakeholder mapping should include not just traditional influencers but any external stakeholders that could be used as part of the campaign to meet the objectives of the project. NATO expects the contractor to identify appropriate stakeholders in country who can help deliver the campaign and work with them to disseminate messages and content. D-3 Campaign content for all channels for campaign durationDeadline: Ongoing throughout project cycle as required by implementation plan. Content should be produced for all channels as outlined in the strategy and implementation plan, including influencer, partner and HQ channels as specified in the plan and any new channels proposed. Content should also be produced, which can be used organically by Allies, external stakeholders or as paid promotion directly to target audiences in Slovakia. This should be able to be localised. A detailed content plan should form part of the overall implementation plan.  D-4 Online, offline and hybrid events to support campaign strandsDeadline: Ongoing Given the target audience, a range of engagements could be a part of the campaign. PDD expects part of the campaign to leverage events to achieve the overarching objectives. These events can be standalone or linked to existing events or NATO activities.   D-5 Paid promotionDeadline: Ongoing This deliverable covers any paid dissemination of content on influencers’, partners and NATO channels, should this be agreed as part of the campaign implementation plan. D-6 Evaluation reports for the entire campaignDeadline: Monthly evaluation and final report within one month of the end of the campaign. NATO expects a high level monthly evaluation reports of the campaign based on the KPIs and SMART objectives agreed at the beginning of the project. In addition NATO expects a comprehensive deep dive evaluation report at the end of the project with actionable insights for further campaigns and copies for internal and external use. Deadline for entire project: September 2023
4.        PROJECT OBJECTIVESExplain the desired communications outcomes.  Answer the questions “What is the problem we are trying to solve with this project? What will this project achieve to help solve the problem?” Project Objectives:The campaign objectives are:Increase the proportion of campaign target audiences who favor the continuation of support to Ukraine.Increase the proportion of campaign target audiences who believe NATO is capable and committed to continue providing security to Slovakia.Increase the proportion of campaign target audiences who recognize the link between Ukraine prevailing as a sovereign, independent state, and their own security. 
5.       AUDIENCE INSIGHTDescribe which specific audiences (both demographic and geographical) this product will target.  Provide any relevant knowledge about the audience, e.g. What are their media habits, their perceptions of NATO/this issue, or their motivations and behaviours?Audience Description: Analysis of NATO audience research demonstrates that 25-34 and 55-65 year old Slovaks oppose their country’s continued support to Ukraine the most (51% and 60% respectively). This opposition is also reflected among those respondents with only a secondary education. In addition, there is a correlation between the importance ascribed to NATO for the future security of the country and the willingness to provide support to Ukraine.This is why the following focus audiences for the campaign have been chosen:Young people (25-34 years old) and seniors (55-65 years old);People living in provincial towns and cities, and border regions;People with secondary education;Slovaks that have expressed low level of knowledge about NATO. 
6.       STRATEGYSet out the approach you will apply. This should state the rationale for prioritisation of audiences and tailoring of messages, as well as explain the choice of methods and channels for reaching target audiencesStrategy: Due to low support for NATO among target audiences, the campaign will not be NATO branded or use NATO channels. In line with this approach, the responsibility for NATO and ministries will be primarily to amplify the campaign. Where appropriate, the #StandWithUkraine hashtag will be used.The campaign will demonstrate how continuous support to Ukraine is also in Slovakia’s security interest because if Putin wins, it sends a dangerous message that authoritarian leaders can achieve their aims through brute force and undermine the rules-based international order.The campaign will work with local Slovak partners to source pro-NATO and pro-Ukrainian voices that can amplify our messages on public TV and social media, to align with audience preferences, and will leverage in-person/hybrid events and engagements in Slovakia. The focus will be outside Bratislava.Where the campaign focuses on the Alliance, it will highlight the European dimension of NATO to counter the widespread perception that the Alliance is “a puppet of the United States”. This antagonism against the US and NATO is also reflected in the fact that almost as many Slovaks say the US and NATO are to blame for the war against Ukraine as those faulting Russia.The delivery of the campaign will be led by a network of partners from within Slovakia, including key opinion formers, influencers, soldiers, the police, regional leaders and local sports clubs as well as scientists. Where appropriate, Ukrainian representatives in Slovakia will be selected to lead campaign activity. It is hoped these individuals will engage with the target audience more authentically than NATO voices and will be selected with due diligence. Research has shown that Slovaks who stay informed through interpersonal communication harbour the most negative attitudes towards Ukrainian refugees.
7.       THEMES / MESSAGESSet out the core messages for the project.Themes / Messages:Detailed messages will be agreed in consultation with NATO at the start of the project, but will reference the existing messaging found in the PDD Press and Media playbook 
8.       IMPLEMENTATIONDescribe briefly how the project will deliver the messages, and what tactics will be used. If possible, provide an indicative timeline of milestones and key events relating to the project. Include any key influencers or partners and their role in the delivery of communications.Implementation: Delivery of the campaign is expected in spring/summer 2023, taking into account the political campaigns for the national elections that will take place on 30 September 2023.Key communication opportunities will be maximised for content amplification. Potential milestones include the 55th anniversary of the Warsaw Pact invasion of Czechoslovakia (20 August) and the end of World War II (9 May), the NATO Youth Summit, the spring cluster of military exercises and activities, and the 2023 NATO Summit in Vilnius.NATO and Slovakian ministries will primarily focus on the amplification of content through their own channels. Other in-country stakeholders will be encouraged to do so as well. Coordination with civil society groups and other partners in country will be crucial to leverage existing activities and events.  
9.       SCORING / REPORTING / ASSESSMENT / EVALUATIONState which metrics will be used to measure outputs, outtakes and outcomes for the activity.State who will be responsible for performance assessment.Set specific targets and the timeframe in which they are to be achieved, or commit to agree these with the contractor after contract start.  If final outcomes are not likely to be available immediately, try to determine intermediate outcomes or other measurements to act as indicators.Scoring / Reporting / Assessment / Evaluation The winning agency should development an assessment framework with an appropriate mix of KPIs. 
10.    QUALITY CRITERIA / METHOD Add additional notes, if any, above the mandatory text in the field to the right.Quality Criteria / Method:NATO expects as part of the bidding process:·        A bid proposal outlining the contractor’s proposed high level approach for meeting the requirements as per the product description, should not exceed 13 A4 pages. 

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