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NATO vyhlašuje další tendr na monitoring médií a “výběr z tisku”



Tendr na monitoring a výběr z tisku pro centrálu Severoatlantické aliance bude rozdělen na dva samostné loty, tj. je možné se hlásit jen do jednoho z nich:

Lot 1 “Media Monitoring and Analysis Capability”. Provision of media monitoring and analysis services and functionality through a web-based platform hosted by the contractor. The capability must provide real-time monitoring of print and online media, based on multi-market theme and unlimited keywords defined by NATO, data analytics and the delivery and publication of email newsletters and selection/digests through the web-based platform.

Lot 2 “Delivery of Specialist News Digests”. Specialist news digest (currently delivered as the Morning Media Brief) – a concise (1500-2000 words) written daily media briefing, comprised of analysis and digest, tracking key events, trends and stories that have unfolded during the previous 24 hours according to a range of  dynamic topics  of interest to NATO. The product will constitute the basis on which the Spokesperson is briefing NATO Secretary General and NATO management each morning.

Budget nesmí být vyšší než:

For an aggregate award: a) €1,320,000 for the two Lots under solicitation and contract base period (i.e., implementation plus initial 3-year service period; total of line-items 3.A and 3.B in the Price Schedule); and b) €880,000 for the 2-year extension option of the two Lots under solicitation (total of line-item 3.C the Price Schedule);

For a split award: a) €780,000 for Lot 1 (total of line-items 1.A and 1.B in the Price Schedule) and €540,000 for Lot 2 (total of line-items 2.A and 2.B) during the contract base period (i.e., implementation plus initial 3-year service period); and b) €520,000 for Lot 1 (total of line-item 1.C in the Price Schedule) and €360,000 for Lot 2 (total of line-item 2.C) 2-year extension options.

Deadline pro nabídky: 15/6

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