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NATO vyhlásí tendr na nový Messaging Service za více než €23 milionů


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Tendr: New NATO Messaging Service (N-NMS)

Zadavatel: NATO, Brusel

Budget: €17,523,330(estimated ceiling cost Investment) + €6,100,396 (estimated ceiling cost Operation and Maintenance)

Harmonogram: The top level criteria will be : Price (50%) and Technical (50%). The second level Technical sub-criteria are Engineering (40%), Management (30%), Supportability (20%), and Risk (10%). The formallFB is planned to be issued in the Q1 2018, with a Bid Closing Date in Q3 2018, and Contract Award is planned for Q2 2019. Pursuant to paragraph 5 of reference A, national responsible authorities are kindly requested to provide to the NCI Agency Declarations of Eligibility, not later than 10 November 2017, of qualified and certified firms which are interested in bidding for this project.

Stručný popis: NATO requires a new Messaging Service which can robustly deliver messages through the IT Modernisation (ITM) virtualised infrastructure. The aim of the procurement project is to achieve this without any unnecessary risks associated with new design and development work. It is a further objective of the project to implement a messaging service which will be supported efficiently, effectively and economically throughout its operational life.

The NNMS project will enable the exchange of critical information and official correspondence throughout the NATO commands, agencies, and connected NATO nations, in a manner optimised to meet stringent requirements for assurance of timely delivery, survivability, reliability, ease of use, security, integrity, non-repudiation and archiving commensurate with the executions of military Command and Control (C2) whilst meeting the Minimum Military Requirements (MMR).

Project Scope: This project will replace elements of the NATO legacy Military Messaging capability with NNMS. In line with ACT Supplemental Information Document (SID) and Minimum Military Requirements (MMR), this project will provide the tools and services that will allow exchange of Military Messages throughout the NATO Enterprise, and with connected NATO Nations. The NNMS service will be designed to satisfy the Military Messaging requirements of the static entities of the NATO Enterprise, and of the 13 NATO Nations using the current legacy NATO Military Messaging system. It will not initially change the current interface to the National ACP 127 gateways to ensure continuity of the current interoperability mechanisms. These interfaces will be migrated from AIFS to NNMS after Final release of NNMS, during the in-support phase NNMS will be deployed in static locations on the NS network. NNMS will be designed so that the same capability can be deployed in both the static and deployed environments, interoperable with Deployable Computer Information Systems (DCIS). NNMS deployment on DCIS is currently out of scope of this project.

The NNMS service will be virtualised and hosted on the infrastructure provided by the ITM project.

The NNMS capability will provide the following: • A single user interface for message drafting and receiving; • Message handling to pass messages from the originator to the recipient; • Automatic distribution of incoming and outgoing messages to local addressees based on information within a message, and rules reflecting operational and administrative procedures; • An Address List Expansion component to expand address lists in a message; • Archiving of all incoming and outgoing messages; • A Workflow Engine to support the coordination of message preparation; • Service Management & Control tooling to ensure the solution is up and running, accessible and available to users, messages are tracked and monitored, and the service is operating and performing within the parameters agreed; • A dedicated repository to store user, role, organizational, and systemwide information; • Interoperability mechanisms, i.e.: o An ACP 127 Gateway to exchange messages with connected ACP 127 networks. The gateway will initially only interface with the legacy solution (AIFS). o An ACP 145 gateway (as costed and evaluated option) to Exchange messages with Nations and external systems. o A multi-purpose gateway (as costed but non-evaluated option) to exchange messages with Nations and external systems. • As part of the in-suppport phase, migration where current ACP 127 interfaces with Nations will move to the NNMS ACP 127 Gateway and some interfaces will move to new protocols ACP 145 or Multi-purpose gateways. NNMS will be robust and reliable, with a 24/7 availability. NNMS will utilise certificates provided by the NATO Public Key Infrastructure (NPKI) service.

NNMS will utilise the NATO Enterprise Directory Services (NEDS); which will provide Directory synchronisation between various NATO directory and data repositories. NNMS data repository will synchronise with NEDS to make use of the directory information available, in particular ACP 127 addresses. NNMS will also publish/replicate information back into NEDS so as to make them available to other sources.

The NNMS project scope includes: • Project management • Requirements Analysis, System Engineering/Design, Testing, Site Surveys • Security accreditation • Site implementation • Integrated Logistics Support (ILS) • 5 years of Operation and Maintenance support

Geographical implementation: The NNMS Service will be provided centrally from the following sites where NNMS components will be deployed:

Operational: • MARCOM (Northwood, UK) • NATO Headquarters (NATO HO) (Brussels, Belgium) • SHAPE (Mons, Belgium) • JFC NAPLES (Lago Patria, Italy)

Training and Reference: • NCIA Training Academy (Lisbon, Portugal) • NCIA PMIC Testbed (The Hague, The Netherlands) • NCIA IV&V Testbed (Mons, Belgium) • JFTC (Bydgoszcz, Poland) • JWC (Stavanger, Norway) • Mission Preparation Environments (Mons, Belgium and Lago Patria, Italy), also known as Mission Information Rooms (MIR)

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