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NATO to build new Information Exchange Gateway. Looking for contractors



Provision of Information Exchange Gateway Between Nato Secret And Mission Secret

Contracting Authority: NATO Communications and Information Agency (NCI Agency)

Estimated budget: €7,839,608 

Introduction – The Information Exchange Gateway Case C (IEG-C) project will provide:

• Support for Information Exchange Services of critical information and real time data between the NATO Secret core network (which comprise NATO commands, agencies,and connected NATO Nations) and Mission Secret networks (for NATO Responses Forces, NATO-led Coalition Exercises or Operations).

• These services will be provided by a gateway, which should be able to scale based in the needs of the supported mission, available bandwidth and response times.

• These gateways may be in deployed positions but will be centrally managed, monitored and controlled,while physical maintenance will be undertaken by local staff.

• The main objective of the gateway is to protect NATO Secret (NS) Network from unauthorized access from the NATO-led Mission Secret (MS) network, and to prevent the release of un-authorised data. The gateway will mediate exchange of data for both ‘core’ and ‘functional’ services.

Project Scope – This project will provide the system for securing information exchange services between the NATO Secret Bi-SC AIS and the NATO-led Mission Secret networks by the implementation of secure gateways, replacing the prototype gateways in current use, and conform to recently approved NATO Metadata STANAGs (4774,4778). The project will provide a standardized architecture for IEG-C,resolving deficiencies and improving management capabilities by including a centralized management capability. The current gateways will be upgraded, redesigned or renewed to comply with this architecture. The IEG-C services will be partly virtualised and hosted on the infrastructure provided by the Agency and procured through the ITM contract. The aforementioned information exchange services shall include in particular:

o Text Chat

o Electronic mail

o Directory Services

o Web Services

o Common Operational Picture Data

o Video Teleconferencing

o Tactical Data Links data

o Secure Voice over IP

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