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NATO Software Factory: will you ever have another opportunity like this?!


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RFI: Project “NATO Software Factory – DevSecOps Platform”

Contractor: NCI agency (NATO Communications and Information Agency), Brussels

NCI Agency is seeking information from Nations and their Industry regarding available managed services to meet the requirements for a NATO Software Factory DevSecOps platform managed service on the high side.

Responses are requested to be submitted by no later than Thursday, 23 June 2022, 17h00 (CET).

Summary of Requirements

The NCI Agency is performing a market survey in order to identify possible solutions to provide the NATO Software Factory DevSecOps platform on Azure Stack Hub as a managed service.

At this stage, the NCI Agency is willing to evaluate all the available offerings on the market which can provide a technological, robust, capable and cost effective managed service to NATO.

The system design should minimize total system life cycle costs, including its future Operations and Maintenance (O&M).

The high level requirements for the solution are listed below: Requirements IDDescriptionMoSCoW Priority
PCC_TECH_01Based on Azure StackMust
PCC_TECH_02Operate on-premises fully disconnected from internetMust
PCC_TECH_03The infrastructure is provided via a service contractMust
PCC_TECH_04Ability to run virtual machinesMust
PCC_TECH_05Ability to run Kubernetes clustersMust
PCC_TECH_06Ability to run PaaS DatabasesMust
PCC_TECH_07Support for storage (container, table, queue)Must
PCC_TECH_08Integration with Microsoft ADFSMust
PCC_TECH_09Ability to deploy all the resources by using infrastructure as codeMust
PCC_TECH_010Ability to interconnect with the current on-premises infrastructureMust
PCC_TECH_011Support for graphics processing unit (GPU)Must
PCC_TECH_012Ability to export logging and auditing data to third-party SIEM systemMust
PCC_TECH_013Administrative visibility (web-based) on platform healthMust
PCC_TECH_014Responsive Technical SupportMust

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