Brussels connection

[the one that wins]

the best address for international procurement

Multimediální produkty, infografika, webová analytika pro Brusel: dva nové zajímavé tendry


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1) Agentura EFSA hledá dodavatele pro “Communication products and services” – zakázka je rozdělena na dva samostatné loty:

LOT1 – The objective of lot 1 is to outsource the production of multimedia products such as infographics and information/data visualisation products for digital communications a

LOT2 – The main objective of lot 2 is to outsource web analytics consultancy services for digital communications. EFSA seeks to set up a solid web analytics strategy to monitor and measure the performance and success of its online activities and communication campaigns on the different channels including social media.

Deadline 19/2. ZD zde.

2) EESC (European Economic and Social Committee, Brussels) – Computer-based communication: i tady jsou dva na sobě nezávislé loty – LOT1 Web services a LOT2: Assistance to contact database content management.
The purpose of LOT 1 is the provision of web services including a wide range of consultancy, technical development and optimisation tasks, as described below, for websites and platforms mostly based on Drupal, and possibly on MS Sharepoint. At the time of the launch of this call for tenders the web content management system (WCMS) is a proprietary system called TOOLIP (written in JAVA), but the revamp of the website under Drupal has started, with a view to implementing a fully responsive design, and converting to HTML5 code. The current level of accessibility is WCAG 2.0.
Deadline 16/2. ZD tady.
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