Brussels connection

[the one that wins]

the best address for international procurement

Layout a grafický design: EU agentura ze střední Evropy potřebuje podporu

Zakázka: Služby grafického rozvrhování a podpora grafických úprav pro externí a interní komunikační produkty

Zadavatel: Agentura EU se sídlem ve střední Evropě

Kontrakt na 4 roky, budget €800.000

Popis: Zadavatel požaduje služby grafického rozvrhování a podpora grafických úprav pro externí a interní komunikační produkty

Základní požadavky:

Economic and financial capacity: the Tenderer shall provide a declaration of the company’s total turnover from the past three years for which accounts have been closed (information shall be provided separately for each year); the average turnover over the last 3 years (or from the period of existence of a company if it was created less than 3 years ago) must be greater than 160 000 EUR (one hundred and sixty thousand EUR)

Technical and professional capacity: the Tenderer must provide in the offer all the items listed in the following table, which will be used to evaluate the Tenderer’s technical and professional capacity to perform the contract.

Type of item : 1 Tenderer’s website reference clearly proving that the Tenderer is a company specialized in graphic design, publishing house, DTP services provider (these categories do not exclude each other), operating at least two years in the above listed market categories. 2 Company’s Generic Portfolio displaying works of at least last two years, in order to asses the overall scope and diversity of realized works for different media (maximum ten pieces). 3 Company’s Publications Portfolio The Tenderer assessment will cover graphic design competence. The Tenderer should present the following:  Three published print publications (books, magazines or brochures of not less than 12 pages including covers) that were entirely layouted by the Tenderer.   Three print products that were entirely designed and layouted by the Tenderer.  Three infographics that were entirely designed and layouted by the Tenderer.  Three MS Word templates that were entirely designed and layouted by the Tenderer.  Three MS Powerpoint templates that were entirely designed and layouted by the Tenderer.  Optionally: examples of interactive publications which will be considered and advantageous asset (up to three examples entirely produced by the tenderer).

IMPORTANT: Each piece of the portfolio must demonstrate works of the employed staff to be assigned to this contract (point 6 of this table). Please clearly state the names and roles of professionals who worked in each project, and define the tasks which were outsourced to third parties (if any). On justified written request by unsuccesfull tenderers selected print publications and print products may be returned to the tenderers on their costs after the completion of the tendering procedure.

4 Reference letters (including description of projects and contact details) of at least three clients for whom the Tenderer provided DTP and/or design projects in the past two years. 5 The Curriculum Vitae of the proposed account/project manager confirming the following requirement:  – experience in project management of design and desktop publishing projects (required minimum five years of experience).  – clearly state the clients for which the work was realized, types and scale of projects realized.

 The submitted CVs should use the Europass template (

6 The Curriculum Vitae of: a) at least one senior art director or senior graphic designer who is a full time employee and who will supervise all assignments on the implementation of the prospective contract (10 years of experience in publishing design, art directing, graphic design, brand identity, visual identity and related projects). b) at least one graphic designer / DTP layouter who is full time employee and will be assigned to this contract (required minimum 5 years of experience in publishing and design) c) any other professionals the Tenderer considers to involve in the prospective work.

 The submitted Curriculums Vitae should use the Europass template (

7 The case study (6 case studies presented in separate sheets in exell file) prepared on the basis of the template provided in Annex III. 8 A certificate of professional or commercial registration imposed by the Country in which the Tenderer is established (in Poland: KRS) must be presented. If the Tenderer is not required or permitted to enrol in such a register for reasons of his statute or legal status, an explanation should be provided.

Deadline 15/9

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