Brussels connection

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Komise zaplatí nové digitální projekty evropských muzeí a jejich kreativních/digitálních partnerů

Call for proposals: European museum collaboration and innovation space

Authority: European Commission, The Directorate‑General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology

The deadline for the call for is 12th January 2021 at 17:00 Brussels time.

Budget: The new call for proposals will allow museums to cooperate with creative and technology partners in experimental projects to develop solutions that enhance their digital presence or innovate their day-to-day functions and processes.

Budget: The Commission considers that proposals requesting a contribution from the EU in the order of EUR 1 million would allow this specific challenge to be addressed appropriately. Nonetheless, this does not preclude submission and selection of proposals requesting other amounts.

Scope: The proposed action will provide the opportunity for museums to work with creative and technology partners, as well as with each other, through small, experimental projects, to apply digital technologies to a selected area of work or activities, in an innovative way. The project will support museums, for example and not exclusively, to develop solutions that enhance their digital presence, or innovate their day-to-day functions and processes, experiment with 3D digitization and AR/VR applications for visitors, tap in the creative potential of technology to offer transformative experiences for audiences, or test new business models for their post-crisis recovery.

The action will be implemented through a number of individual projects in selected museums, representing good geographical balance across Europe.

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