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Jediná EU agentura v Bratislavě expanduje a potřebuje poradit s návrhem nových kanceláří


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Tendr: Office room project and works

Zadavatel: European Labour Authority, Bratislava

Deadline (pro projevení zájmu): 31/10

1. Purpose of contract: The Authority has moved to its permanent premises in Bratislava with a staff of around 100 persons at the end of 2021, gradually expanding to an estimated number of 170 persons until 2024. ELA occupies 4 floors – 3rd, 11th , 13th, and 14th in an office building.

The needs to accommodate the staff change in the course of time and requires further adjustments of the premises. The purpose of this procurement procedure is to award a Direct Contract for the creation of a new closed office room for the European Labour Authority on its premises in Bratislava.

ELA is looking for a contractor for the following tasks to be performed:

In planning phase:

* Drafting the changes in all relevant current office construction drawings,

* Communication and consultation with Planning Authority,

* Acquiring formal Planning Permission or other requested documents/permissions for construction, if needed.

In execution phase:

* Execution of requested and approved changes in the office layout including ordering and delivery of the necessary building materials, preparation of the construction site, dismounting of existing construction, construction works and cleaning up of the area after the execution.

* Communication between ELA and the contractor within the scope of this contract, including the preparation and provision of time frame for planning and execution phase and coordination during the execution.

2. Price and duration: The maximum amount for this contract is EUR 24,000. The estimated performance period of the resulting direct contract is maximum 6 months. 

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