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Jak vytvořit atraktivní webovou vizualizaci o žadatelích o azyl? EU agentura z Malty hledá konzultanta

Oddělení pro informace a analýzy Podpůrného evropského úřadu pro azylovou problematiku (EASO – Malta) chce uzavřít menší rámcový kontrakt na „provision of consultancy service to develop web based visualizations“. Smlouva nebude delší než dvanáctiměsíční, budget omezen částkou €45.000. Zájemci musí projevit zájem nejpozději do 22/9 (více info u mě:

Základní informace: the Information and Analysis Unit (IAU) has a key role as an independent centre of expertise on asylum and focuses its works on three different areas:

  • The development of an Early Warning and Preparedness System (EPS) that aims to provide internal and external stakeholders with accurate, timely information and analyses on flows of asylum seekers to and within the European Union and the EU+ (EU28, Norway, Switzerland) countries’ capacity to cope with them. This information supplements the official statistics regularly collected by Eurostat on the basis of Regulation (EC) 862/2007;
  • Country of origin information by gathering targeted, relevant, reliable, accurate and up-todate country of origin information in a transparent and impartial manner according to a published methodology, establishing Specialist COI Networks composed of national COI experts on key countries of origin at EU level and drafting, via a Network Approach in cooperation with willing MS COI experts, joint COI reports;
  • Providing a detailed and up-to-date overview of the organisation of national asylum systems and asylum-relevant case law via its Information and Documentation System (IDSforthcoming).

For these purposes, IAU has developed different channels of information and several tools relying on diverse technologies and operates three IT applications which store, organise and disseminate the information gathered:

  • The statistical data of flows of asylum seekers submitted by EU+ countries via its Early warning and Preparedness System (EPS) is processed through SAS Enterprise Guide 7.1 while the statistical outputs are currently prepared through Excel 2013, SAS Visual Analytics Reports 7.1 and ArcMap 10.2.1
  • The Country of Origin Information (COI) Portal based on Microsoft SharePoint
  • Information and Documentation System (IDS) which acts as a knowledge base on national asylum systems EU states – based on Atlassian Confluence. All of this information is of fundamental importance to the functioning of EASO as an independent centre of expertise and in responding to the needs of our main stakeholders for an accurate and upto-date overview of the practical functioning of the Common European Asylum System (CEAS).

In line with its Work Programme 2016, IAU seeks to improve the delivery and presentation of the information it collects. With that aim, the primary objective of this consultancy is to develop attractive web-based visualizations, ranging from straightforward graphical representation of evolution over time or distribution to explanatory visualisations or monitoring dashboards relying on Javascript Data-Driven Document (D3.js) library and associated plugins. The second objective of this consultancy is to integrate these outputs in the web-based applications used on day-to-day basis by IAU.

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