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Interpol vypisuje tendr na obnovu infrastruktury jeho Secure Cloudu v Lyonu a Singapuru



Zakázka: Provision, implementation, integration and maintenance of a solution to renew the infrastructure that hosts INTERPOL Secure Cloud “Desktop as a Service” offer

Zadavatel: INTERPOL – Lyon (France)

Secure Cloud Interpolu je umístěn v několika datových střediscích: tento tendr se týká datacentra v Lyonu (DC1) a datacentra v Singapuru (DC3). Uchazeči mohou předkládat dvě samostatné/na sobě nezávislé nabídky.

Požadavky na Hardware: INTERPOL needs a HyperConverged solution, with x86 servers and a Full Flash or Hybrid Storage. In case of major alternatives for the Solution, with important technical impact and significant financial benefit, the bidder must write 2 full and different answers to the call for tender. Example: One solution covering the Full Flash and one solution covering the Hybrid Storage. The environment is composed of 2 different and autonomous infrastructures, hosted in DC1 and DC3. No VM replication is needed between the infrastructures in DC1 and DC3.

Virtualization Solution: The DaaS environment will be based on “VMware vSphere” and “VMware Horizon View”.All the virtualization solution (vCenter, ESXi, Horizon View, NSX, Integration with Antivirus, etc.) will be delivered and managed by INTERPOL teams (Licenses, Study, Deployment, Maintenance, etc.). INTERPOL prefers to deploy the latest stable versions of these virtualization products, but this will depend on the compatibility with the hardware and software provided in the technical offers.

Network Connectivity: Each physical serveur should be connected to 2 different Nexus 5K Switches (1 connection to each Nexus 5K). The Switches will be provided by INTERPOL and the connection will be based on FC MultiMode (SFP+) 10 Gbits/sec. If for bandwidth and performance needs, the tender wishes to use more network ports (ex: 4 connections per physical server), the need should be clearly explained and number of connections clearly indicated.

SLA: The Solution must be High Available within each Datacenter. The service must be available at least 99.9% of the time, on a monthly basis. This means that in case of technical incident, a maximum downtime of the whole service of “43 minutes per month” is authorized.

Deadline May 4

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