Brussels connection

[the one that wins]

the best address for international procurement

Interpol poptává IT vybavení a webové služby, tendr zahájen



Tendr: Supply, installation and maintenance of I-24/7 equipment, civil works and Web Service Interface development

Contracting Authority: Interpol, Lyon – Francie

Deadline pro nabídku: 21/1/2019


The Tenderer may submit a bid for one or more lots:

Lot 1: supply and installation of I-24/7 equipment, as specified in the Technical Specifications

Lot 2: maintenance of I-24/7 equipment, as specified in the Technical Specifications

Lot 3: facilities and Civil Works delivery, as specified in the Technical Specifications.

Lot 4: development and maintenance of Web Services Interface for the national systems, as specified in the Technical Specifications

A response to this call for tender shall imply that the vendor has the necessary expertise in supply and delivery of IT equipment and/or civil works. In this regard, the bidder shall comply with the following:

1) A minimum of 2 years + 1 as optional of continuous experience in the fields of IT equipment supply and delivery or civil works.

2) The supplier shall deliver equipment that meets or exceeds the requirements and specifications set forth in Appendix 1.

3) Capacity and experience in implementing projects worldwide or at a national level.

4) Capacity and experience in obtaining export/import licenses to destination countries.

5) Capacity to deliver the quantity of items in the timelines requested.

6) Capacity to provide IT equipment satisfying each of the participating countries’ standards (electrical, language, etc.…)

7) Be authorized to carry out respective activities in the country (ies) the company is bidding for to deliver the equipment, installation and maintenance required and to provide software development for web-services as well as civil works.



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