Brussels connection

[the one that wins]

the best address for international procurement

Interaktivní vizualizace pro Úřad pro publikace EU

Tendr: Poskytnutí služeb interaktivní vizualizace

Zadavatel: Úřad pro publikace Evropské unie, Luxembourg

48 měsíců / budget €1.000.000

Deadline: 30/9

Stručný popis: Poskytnutí služeb týkajících se vizuálního znázornění informací a dat s dynamickými a/nebo interaktivními prvky.


* The tenderers must be financially healthy and with the minimum level of annual turnover or the average turnover during the past three financial years of EUR 500 000.

* Reference (PARF):

o             At least one of the accepted PARFs must cover the integration of interactive visualisations in the destination platform.

o             At least one of the accepted PARFs must cover the implementation of interactive information visualisations based on public open data.

o             At least one of the accepted PARFs must have multilingual coverage (content and interface) of the product for a minimum of three EU official languages.

o             At least one of the accepted PARFs must be accessible from at least two (2) different types of device (computer, tablet, phone), screen sizes, and browsers.

PROFILE REQUIREMENTS – This annex describes the different roles required to execute the service. Not all roles are expected to be needed for all projects. One person can hold more than one role:

•             Project Manager: PRO-MAN

•             Functional Analyst: FUN-ANA

•             Mobile/Web Designer: MOB-WEB-DES

•             Graphic Designer: GRA-DES

•             Information/Data Analyst: INF-DAT-ANA

•             Journalist: JOU

•             Technical Writer: TEC-WRI

•             Translator: TRA

•             Front-end Developer: FRO-DEV

•             Back-end Developer: BAC-DEV

•             Ergonomist: ERG

•             Quality Assurance Coordinator: QUA-ASS-COO

•             Tester: TES

•             Database Administrator: DAT-ADM

•             System Administrator: SYS-ADM

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