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“Inteligentní ekosociální vesnice”, to zní lákavě. Nový tendr pro Evropskou komisi

Zakázka: Pilotní projekt „inteligentní ekosociální vesnice“

Zadavatel: Evropská komise, DG Agriculture and Rural Development, Brussels

Kontrakt na 16 měsíců/ budget €400.000

Deadline 17/5

Context of the pilot project: The pilot project on smart eco-social villages is motivated by concerns about aging populations, lack of jobs and insufficient services in rural areas. These tendencies lead to high unemployment rates and depopulation which can be observed in rural areas across the EU.  Self-employment, sustainable production in different sectors (e.g.: comparative advantage, Unique Selling Points), and the sustainable management of rural communities could be considered to be key factors for creating smart eco-social villages. Supporting these activities could foster employment in rural areas and enhance local services. Smart rural development is not yet defined and the understanding of smart village can be diverse. Therefore, it is needed to create a definition of smart eco-social villages. There could be more definitions established, depending on the focus of the development of villages.

Objectives of the pilot project: The overall aim of the pilot project on smart eco-social villages is to explore the characteristics, drivers and factors of success of smart eco-social villages in the European Union in order to help the EU rural areas in current challenges and to improve their development.  In this context, a clear definition of smart eco-social villages should be elaborated. The pilot project should identify a minimum number of ten successful best practices in rural areas which have contributed to the successful development of these villages for the benefit of their inhabitants. It should focus on practical solutions to overcome challenges and to improve the situation in villages. In this context, the project shall describe the common features of some villages that are economically viable, attractive for living, and environmentally sustainable. Particular attention should be given to overcoming the problem of digital exclusion and developing the potentials offered by internet and digitisation for rural areas. The project should have a multi focus approach (agriculture, rural value chains, local infrastructure, rural-urban linkages, etc.). The analysis should contribute to identifying conditions and practices favourable to promoting growth and jobs.  It is important that the pilot project presents practical, successful best practices that could provide workable solutions for rural villages, using new and existing tools for promoting development.  The preliminary conclusions of the pilot project should be presented and discussed with relevant stakeholders at a workshop.

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