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Frontex potřebuje vyvinout software na “řízení služeb”


Tendr: Software na řízení služeb a souvisejících služeb
Zadavatel: EU agentura FRONTEX, Varšava
Budget €900.000/4 roky
Deadline pro odeslání nabídky: 6/9
Stručný popis: Implementation of service management software for managing Frontex’s units — the proposed software should offer the functionality of shared service centre independently for different organisational units of Frontex.
Overview: This document describes requirements for the goods (software, licenses, and hardware) and services required for the acquisition of Service Management Software (SMS). In the scope of requested Service Management Software (SMS), the contract shall cover the following: – Delivery of software licences and media – Delivery of a dedicated appliance if needed for software hosting  – Delivery of a software installation service   – Delivery of basic software maintenance  – Delivery of basic software support – Delivery of software trainings and certifications – Delivery of consultancy services.
Current situation: Frontex ICT Unit is currently using the ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus, Enterprise version 9 as the service management software (licensed for 50 Technicians and 3000 Managed Assets, valid until 22 May 2016). This software was deployed in Frontex in 2009, and at that time its main purpose was to introduce a manageable solution for registering and following up end users ICT related requests and incidents.
Since the time ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus, Enterprise version was introduced, both end users’ and ICT expectations related to service management software have grown. Also, the ICT service management has reached maturity, and Frontex ICT Unit follows the ITIL processes listed below:
1) Incident Management  2) Request Fulfilment 3) Change Management 4) Assets Management and Inventory  5) Configuration Management  6) Knowledgebase Management 7) Service Catalogue Management
Although all the above processes are supported by the ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus, Enterprise version, they are not fully meeting Frontex expectations related with definition and execution of the processes and workflows. In practice, it means that some functionalities required in Frontex environment are missing. To be more precise, out of 524 detailed functional requirements defined by Frontex ICT Unit towards service management software, 76 are missing (almost 15%) in the currently used software. Moreover, when it comes to general software maturity requirements related with ITIL processes, current software is meeting only 1 out of 10 requirements.
Target situation: The main objectives of the acquisition of a Service Management Software (SMS) are the following:
– Improving software alignment with the adopted ITIL processes, through their workflows, functionality and terminology, especially Request Fulfilment, Change Management, Assets Management and Inventory, Configuration Management, Knowledge Management and Service Catalogue Management;  – Adopting and introducing new ITIL processes, along with their workflows, functionality and terminology, especially Problem Management, Service Level Management, Release and Deployment Management, Service Portfolio Management; – Adopting and introducing ITIL processes that Frontex plans to implement in the future, along with their workflows, functionality and terminology, upon their availability: Capacity Management, Event Management, Availability Management, IT Service Continuity Management; – Introducing additional functionalities required but missing in the current software.
Additionally, Frontex ICT Unit has recently received requests from other Frontex Units/Sectors (Agency Services, Risk Analysis, Human Resources, Pooled Resources, Situation Centre, etc.) for implementing similar service management software for managing Unit’s/Sector’s activities. Therefore, it is highly desirable that the software should offer the functionality of Shared Service Centre understood as a common service management software for the execution and the handling of operational tasks (including people, processes and technologies) specific for each interested Unit/Sector. In practice, what is expected from the proposed Service Management Software (SMS) in the context of Shared Service Centre functionality is the following:
– Ability to act as a Shared Service Centre independently for different organizational units (ICT, HR, Facility Management, Procurement etc.) – Ability to act as a Shared Service Centre independently for different organizational units (ICT, HR, Facility Management, Procurement etc.) with independent content administration – Ability to act as a Shared Service Centre independently for different organizational units (ICT, HR, Facility Management, Procurement etc.) with independent content (configuration, workflows, notifications, catalogues, calendars, reporting etc.)

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