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Frontex potřebuje další drony pro ostrahu hranic EU


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Tendr: Nákup dronů

Zadavatel: FRONTEX (Evropská agentura pro pohraniční a pobřežní stráž), Varšava

Rámcový kontrakt na 24+24 měsíců / budget €2.000.000

Stručný popis: S vítězem bude podepsána rámcová smlouva na pořízení dronů s užitečným zatížením a související praktické zaškolení. Drony budou používány v rámci různých činností ostrahy hranic a pobřeží na podporu vnitrostátních orgánů členských států EU. Zakoupené vybavení bude působit v několika scénářích s více úkoly. Mělo by podporovat statický a dynamický dohled v rámci různých činností policie / pohraniční stráže. Vybavení musí pracovat z pozemních a námořních plošin bez zaměření na jeden typ letu. Klíčovým faktorem pro používání je všestrannost zařízení. Školení bude zapotřebí po doručení vybavení s cílem zajistit optimální užívání obsluhou.

Deadline pro odevzdání nabídek: 11/1

Základní požadavky:

* a declaration of the company’s total turnover from the past three years for which accounts have been closed; the average annual turnover over the last 3 years must be greater than 500,000 EUR

* the Tenderer must have proven professional experience of at least 3 years in providing similar products.

* the Tenderer must demonstrate its technical ability to provide all the products and corresponding services required in this call for tenders.

Estimated contract volume

NrProductY-1 (2021)Y-2 (2022)Y-3 (2023)Y-4 (2024) 
1Drone with payload1 full set551010
2Hands-on training1 session1122

Minimum technical requirements

Drone system

The drone system shall be packed in a dedicated case allowing its transportation. The case shall be sufficient to properly fit all drone system parts and ensure the minimum ingress protection rating: IP 43.


 Maximum dimension unfolded: 900x900x500 mm;

 Maximum weight with batteries and without payload: 7 kg;

 Max ascent speed: at least 4.5 m/s;

 Max descent speed: at least 2.5 m/s;

 Max speed: minimum 15 m/s;

 Wind resistance: minimum 10 m/s;

 Flight time without payload: minimum 33 min;

 Global navigation satellite system (GNSS): GPS, Galileo and GLONASS;

 Minimum ingress protection rating: IP 43;

 Minimum range operating temperature: -20 to 40°C;

 It must operate with three independent gimbals:

o a single upward gimbal,

o a single downward gimbal,

o a dual downward gimbal;

 It must have Return To Home (RTH) function within max 5m radius.

Remote controllers (one for the drone and one for the cameras)

 Minimum transmitting range (unobstructed, free of interference): 5 km;

 Power supply selfpower: at least 35 min;

 Minimum range operating temperature: -20 to 40°C;

 Remote controller strap.

Ultrabright Screens for each remote controller

 Multitouch display;

 Min 7 inch display with min resolution of 2048×1536;

 Android operating system;

 Accept the control app of the drone;

 4K video recording;

 Connector ports: HDMI, Micro USB, USB-C, Micro SD card slot;

 Supported and included min 64Gb Micro SD card for recording;

 Min brightness: 2000 cd/m2;

 Integrated GPS: GPS and GLONASS;

 Connectivity: WIFI, 4G dongle support;

 Minimum range operating temperature: -20 to 40°C;

 Monitor hood for shading;

 Screen must be delivered with fixation system for the remote controller.

Batteries (3 kits for each purchased device)

 Type: LiPo;

 Minimum range operating temperature: -20 to 40°C;

 Charging hub or battery station.


Each payload shall be packed in a dedicated case allowing its transportation. The case shall be designed to properly fit the payload and ensure the minimum ingress protection rating: IP 43.

Required integrated payloads working with the drone, gimbals and the remote controller.

The payloads may be ordered together with the drone system or separately, depending on Frontex needs expressed within given Order.

Aerial day camera

 Minimum sensor CMOS or equivalent: 1/2.8″;

 Min effective pixels: 2M;

 Min optical zoom: x25;

 Min digital zoom: x5;

 It must have automatic stabilization system;

 Min controllable range for the tilt: +30° to -90°;

 Min controllable range for the pan: +/-320°;

 Video formats (minimum): MP4;

 Photo formats (minimum): JPEG;

 Electronic shutter speed between (minimum): 1/30 & 1/5000 s;

 Format PAL supported;

 Min 32Gb Micro SD card supported and included;

 It must be detachable;

 Minimum range operating temperature: -10 to 40°C.

Aerial thermal camera

 Minimum digital video display format: 640×512;

 Min digital zoom: x8;

 Min spectral band: 7.5 – 13.5 μm;

 Min full frame rates: 30 Hz;

 Sensitivity (NEdT): <50 mk @ f/1.0;

 FOV: max 40°;

 It must have automatic stabilization system;

 Min controllable range for the tilt: +30° to -90°;

 Min controllable range for the pan: +/-320°;

 Video formats (minimum): MP4;

 Photo formats (minimum): JPEG;

 Micro SD card of 32Gb must be supported and included;

 It must be detachable;

 Minimum range operating temperature: -10 to 40°C.

Aerial multi-sensor camera

 Sensor No. 1: Zoom Camera:

o Min effective pixels: 20M;

 Sensor No. 2: Wide Camera:

o Min effective pixels: 12M;

 Sensor No. 3: Laser Rangefinder:

o Min range: 1000 m;

 Sensor No. 4: Radiometric Thermal Camera:

o Minimum digital video display format: 640×512;

 Video formats (minimum): MP4;

 Photo formats (minimum): JPEG;

 Micro SD card of 32Gb must be supported and included;

 It must be detachable;

 Minimum range operating temperature: -10 to 40°C.


 Minimum operating range: 120 m;

 It must support dual downward gimbals and work with the aerial day camera described under art.

 It must be detachable;

 Minimum range operating temperature: -10 to 40°C.


 To support multiple payloads configuration three gimbals are required:

o one single upward gimbal,

o one single downward gimbal,

o one dual downward gimbal;

 Min pitch angle for the single and dual gimbals: 25°.

Quality Requirements

For all products delivered by this contract (at least for those specified under art. 4.1.1 and 4.1.2), the Contractor(s) shall provide the quality certificates. The certificates shall be accompanied by the results of the testing that confirm compliance to the requirements set in art. 4 of this Technical Specifications.

The Contractor shall have ISO 9001:2015 or equivalent quality management system implemented regarding the repair and maintenance of the technical equipment, telecommunication and aeronautical mobile remote sensing equipment, as well as the solid customer support system.

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