Brussels connection

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Frontex nakoupí 50 ručních termokamer pro ostrahu evropských hranic



Zakázka: Pořízení chlazených ručních termovizních kamer pro ostrahu hranic

Zadavatel: EU agentura Frontex, Warsaw

Rámcová smlouva na 4 roky / budget €4.000.000

Deadline 10/9

Celkem by mělo jít o 50 kusů kamer (první rok 20, pak každý rok 10).

Basic description

* Required handheld thermal camera is portable, rechargeable battery-operated surveillance systems built by integration of thermal imager, VIS-NIR camera (typically called CCD camera), laser range finder, GPS module and binocular image projector into a single portable body;

* The handheld thermal camera should enable long/medium range surveillance capabilities during foot or vehicle patrols at European climatic conditions;

* The handheld thermal camera shall be delivered in form of a set comprising at least: binocular body, two sets of rechargeable batteries, battery power supply, portable tripod, service/cleaning set, transport case;

* Handheld thermal camera of low mass, ergonomic design for hand held operation are required;

* Estimated time of work during warranty period is about 4 hours per day.

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