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Evropský patentový úřad potřebuje převést svůj Archibus do cloudu



Tendr: New Computer-Aided Facility Management (CAFM) Provider – Cloud based

Zadavatel: The European Patent Organisation (EPO), Munich – Germany

Deadline: 24/7

The EPO is looking for a Provider who: 

– Services and maintains the existing Archibus eco system as-is based on agreed service levels;

– Offers support and development based on agreed requirements ideally using Archibus as close to the standard as possible.

– Prepares the existing Archibus system for migration to the cloud

– Sets up a compatible cloud environment based on agreed service levels

– Migrates the existing Archibus eco system from the hosted EPO infrastructure to a Platform-as-aService infrastructure within the first twelve months (or possibly longer) of this contract from the day of signature;

– Proposes an integrated project plan for the intended move to the final PaaS infrastructure

Requested services: Computer-Aided Facility Management (CAFM) is the IT-backbone of the EPOs’ Facilities Management; IT-tools, optimized processes and appropriate organisation enables the relevant departments to deliver required services at agreed service-levels. In 2007 ARCHIBUS was implemented to replace the existing EPO systems with new, state of the art and integrated software systems.  ARICHBUS is one of the worldwide leading CAFM IT-tools which continuously are broadened and upgraded. The use of this tool has been a big success at the EPO and is being constantly enlarged. To further operate the existing CAFM environment, the EPO is interested in Services to maintain and support the Archibus ecosystem.

 CAFM has integration with other systems, e.g. SAP. Further automation and enhanced use of the possibilities of IT is a strategic choice of the PD44. This includes the provision of Archibus as Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) based on defined Service Levels (SL), maintaining the interfaces to other EPO IT systems, e.g. SAP, and providing 1st, 2nd and 3rd level support relating to the Archibus ecosystem.

The EPO is interested in using Archibus as close to the standard as possible considering the history of the implemented system. This means that business adaptations will be checked against the world-wide Archibus standard and deviation will be discussed in close co-operation. Standard in this context means the basic functionality delivered by Archibus without customisation. The total service duration (maintenance of the on premise system as well as the cloud migration and subsequent running the Archibus infrastructure in a cloud environment) is expected to be 3 years with two possible extension periods of 1 year each.

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