Brussels connection

[the one that wins]

the best address for international procurement

Evropský patentový úřad hledá partnera pro “externalizaci” datových středisek



Tendr: Zajištění řízení projektu a technické odbornosti pro externalizaci datových středisek

Zadavatel: Evropský patentový úřad

Kontrakt na 2 roky

Místo „doručení“: sídlo EPO v The Hague/Rijswijku

Kritéria pro hodnocení: technická část/kvalita 60% : cena 40%

Tendr má 2 fáze:

1) do 17/11 12:00 je třeba vyplnit a odeslat Pre-Selection Questions a Confidentiality Agreement (viz dále)

2) Zhruba na konci listopadu dostanou vybraní zájemci zadávací dokumentaci. Deadline pro odevzdání nabídky je plánovaná na polovinu/konec prosince.

NDA ke stažení.

Pre-Selection Questions:

I. Economic and Financial Capacity of the bidder

  1. Please confirm that the statutory seat of your company (legal entity) is in a Contracting State to the European Patent Convention, as specified in Point 1 of this Published Notice. Please provide evidence.
  2. Please confirm that your company is not bankrupt or being wound up, has ceased or suspended business activities, is being administered by courts or has entered into arrangements with creditors or analogous situations.
  3. Please confirm that the EPO may run a solvency check on your company via an external source (i.e. Dun & Bradstreet).
  4. Please supply details and the name(s) of the representative(s) authorised to sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement on behalf of your company, together with a recent excerpt from the commercial or similar register for your company (where so needed supplemented by additional information). In case the register does not specify this concretely, please arrange for a power of attorney.

II. Technical and Professional Capacity of the bidder:

  1. Please confirm and provide evidence that your company has at least 5 years’ experience in providing Project Management Support for Data Centre Migration project to organisations in Europe of a similar size as the EPO
  2. Please provide a minimum of 3 references/ written customer testimonials from previous customers to whom the bidder has provided the above services across multiple locations within at least Europe. The following Structure should be used:
  • General info: Organisation name/ Country locations/ Business sector/ Agreement to a reference visit (for at least 1 reference);
  • Details: Service descriptions and main technical details of the service solution/ Scale of implementation (number of users & locations, complexity of migrated services & applications)/ Service period

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