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Evropská patentová agentura hledá firmu, která jí zajistí provoz jejích bezpečnostních aplikací



Tendr: Maintenance of Security Applications

Zadavatel: European Patent Office (EPO), Haag

Doba realizace: start 01.11.2019 – end 01.11.2021

Deadline pro podání nabídky: 29/7

CURRENT STATE: The Physical Security Department, PD4401, of the EPO is running a number of Security Control Room (SCR) applications to provide for Physical Security Information Management, CCTV services, Video Analytics and Intercom services. Their functionality provides for a safe operation and correct functioning of security hardware in the buildings in the Den Haag site. The current applications that need maintenance services are (see Annex A for more details):  • Winguard for Physical Security Information Management • Virtuosis / Commend for Intercom services • Agent VI, Genetec Security Center and Eyevis for CCTV and video analytics. EPO has, in addition to the production environment, an integration environment. This environment is a scaled down version of the production environment with reduced functionality. The purpose of the integration environment is to minimize the risk of service interruptions when applying changes to the systems by first applying these changes in the integration environment.

Since 2018 a 3rd party supplier is providing Maintenance Services for these applications. The Agreement with this supplier expires at the end of 2019.The 3rd party supplier is certified by the manufacturers of the listed applications and has an in-depth knowledge of the applications and hardware, while understanding the requirements and demands of the EPO. The maintenance services consist of the following tasks: • Maintenance Services o Service Management o Corrective Maintenance o Preventive Maintenance o IT Services/Products o Monitoring Services • Adaptive Maintenance.

For information the following numbers are provided from current situation from the location in The Hague: • The incumbent supplier requires on average 0,2 to 0,3 FTE for providing the Maintenance Services. Current practice is that these services are mostly delivered on-site and also more efficiently delivered on-site.  • The number of monthly incidents amounts to 12 and the number of changes amounts to 3 per month. • The incumbent supplier requires on average 1 FTE for providing Adaptive Maintenance Services. • the configuration contains 50.000 data points hosted on 1.500 appliances • 4 control rooms with Winguard / CCTV workplaces • 3 buildings  • 3200 employees.  Note that the above information is solely for the purpose of Contractors’ assessment of the services and cannot be taken as an indication of Contractors’ effort involved in providing the services; it is for the Contractor to decide how the services will be delivered (as long they are in alignment with this Agreement) and if this will be done on-site, off-site or partly on-site.

DESIRED STATE: After a (fixed price) Start-up and Transition phase expected to start before November 2019, the Contractor shall take over the maintenance services from the incumbent supplier. During the Start-up and Transition period the Contractor shall achieve a transfer of knowledge from the preceding contractor, shall set-up monitoring services and shall demonstrate readiness for delivering the maintenance services in the Operational phase. The Operational phase is expected to start approximately 2 months after the Start Up and Transition phase.  Please note that these times are only indicative and depend strongly on when the contract between EPO and the chosen provider has been finalised.  It shall be noted that the Contractor will need to have a relevant software certification to be able to take care of License Management. As part of Adaptive Maintenance the EPO may order additional changes, features and solutions. Please note that these additional services will only be calculated using the requested rates for Adaptive Maintenance (see the 2985 Price Offer Form). The EPO will pay: • a fixed price for the Start-up and Transition phase,  • a monthly fixed price for the Operational phase (Maintenance Services) and  • additionally for Adaptive maintenance based on agreed time and fees. On the longer term (2020-2021), the EPO may request the Contractor to extend the geographical scope of the services to the EPO offices in Munich, Vienna and/or Berlin: see section 5 for additional information The EPO will align any extension with the Contractor and will apply a notification time of minimum 6 months.

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