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Evropská komise by ráda studii o “mobilitě v kulturním sektoru”. Za milion eur



Tendr na: Program mobility pro umělce a/nebo odborníky v oblasti kultury

Zadavatel: Evropská komise, Directorate-General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture, Brussels, Belgie

Stručný popis: Hlavním cílem zakázky je připravit prostředí pro plán mobility v kulturním a kreativním odvětví od roku 2021 dále v rámci příští generace programů EU. Konkrétními cíli jsou:

1) zjistit a analyzovat podmínky pro vytvoření úspěšného a udržitelného režimu, který umožní jednotlivcům zapojit se do projektu přeshraniční mobility,

2) navrhnout a vyzkoušet schéma financování pro samostatnou mobilitu umělců a/nebo odborníků v oblasti kultury,

3) předložit závěry a doporučení.

Doba trvání kontraktu/projektu: 14 měsíců

Budget: €1.000.000

Deadline pro odeslání nabídky: 31/8

Background: Evidence from the sector shows important shortcomings in this existing support to mobility such as lack of result-oriented opportunities going beyond providing a transnational learning experience (for instance to focus on the potential of co-creation or audience development), segmentation between older and more established artists and younger and less established ones, restrictions based on nationality and educational qualifications, geographical unbalances, lack of reliable information, and only limited direct support for individuals.

Beyond the negative impact on the individual artists’ and cultural professionals’ careers, fragmented access and obstacles to cross-border mobility are hampering the potential of the sector to contribute to the EU’s social, economic and integration ambitions, and to the building of a strong internal market and of a European society rooted in shared values and common cultural heritage.

Investing in a dedicated and flexible mobility scheme at EU level targeting artists’ and culture professionals’ capacity to co-create across borders could help address the shortcomings in existing mobility support schemes and unleash the potential of the sector to contribute to EU’s ambitions and values.

General objective: The main objective of the tender will be to prepare the ground for a mobility scheme in creative and cultural sectors, from 2021 onwards in the next generation of EU programmes.

Specific objective:

  1. To explore and analyse the conditions for setting up a successful and sustainable scheme allowing individuals to engage in a cross border mobility project.
  2. Propose and test a funding scheme for individual mobility of artists and/or culture professionals.
  3. Provide conclusions and recommendations


Task I – Analysis

Feasibility study: The tenderer will assess the state-of-the art of artists and culture professionals’ mobility at European level and the terms and conditions for an effective funding scheme. The analysis will imperatively take into account what has already been done in this field, notably in the framework of the Open Method of Coordination (MOC) of the European Agenda for Culture and the related working groups on “Mobility”. More specifically, it is expected that the above task will result in a report, which will include at least:

 An analysis of artists and culture professionals’ individual mobility: In particular the peculiarities of such mobility in the creative and cultural sectors, the benefits and the obstacles.

 An updated mapping of existing funding opportunities for mobility in the creative and cultural sectors at local, regional, national and European levels; in particular, the identification of best practices and the risks of overlapping with existing schemes;

 Identification and analysis of synergy and complementarity with EU actions and support in the field of mobility, notably with the current Erasmus+ programme; in particular, the tenderer will appreciate the added value of a specific funding scheme for artists and culture professionals at EU level;

This task shall answer the following challenges and needs:

 Boosting creativity, exploring markets and developing careers;

 Matching offer and demand

 Facilitating individual mobility and circulation or works, simplifying administrative formalities

Task II – Experimentation

Following acceptance by the Commission of the outputs submitted under task I, the tenderer will develop and test a mobility scheme for artists and/or culture professionals More specifically, it is expected that the above task will result in:

  1. The implementation and the administration of short-term mobility actions, including namely a methodology for the selection of participants
  2. The creation of a mobility portal or a platform
  3. The design and implementation of a communication and information strategy and a methodology for the dissemination and valorisation of results

Task III – Policy recommendations

Based on the outputs of tasks I and II, the tenderer will formulate policy recommendations to the European Commission, the European Parliament and the Member States to prepare the ground for an individual mobility scheme for artists and culture professionals’ from 2021 onwards in the next generation of EU programmes.

Economic and financial capacity criteria: Annual turnover of the last two financial years above € 1.500.000.

Technical and professional capacity criteria:

– Criterion A1: The tenderer must prove experience in the field of mobility and in the cultural and creative sectors as well as in drafting reports and recommendations. Evidence A1: the tenderer must provide references for 2 projects delivered in these fields in the last three years with a minimum value for each project of € 20.000.

– Criterion A2: The tenderer must prove capacity to work in English. Evidence A2: the tenderer must provide references for 2 projects delivered in the last three years showing the necessary language coverage.

– Criterion A3: The tenderer must prove capacity to draft reports in English. Evidence A3: the tenderer must provide one document of at least 10 pages (report, study, etc.) in this language that it has drafted and published or delivered to a client in the last two years. The verification will be carried out on 5 pages of the document.

– Criterion A4: The tenderer must prove its capacity to work in 10 EU countries. Evidence A4: the tenderer must provide references for 2 projects delivered in the last three years. The combination of projects must cover the required geographical scope.

Složení týmu – požadavky:

B1 – Project Manager: At least 5 years experience in project management, including overseeing project delivery, quality control of delivered service, client orientation and conflict resolution experience in project of a similar size and coverage (at least 5 countries covered), with experience in management of team of at least 5 people.

B2 – Language quality check: at least 3 members of the team should have at least C1 level in English and one other European official language.

B3 – Expert in cross-border mobility projects: At least 5 years of professional experience. Relevant higher education degree or equivalent professional experience and at least 5 years’ professional experience in the field.

B4 – Team for data collection: collectively the team of at least 3 people should have knowledge of English and another official EU language and proven experience of 3 years in data collection techniques.

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