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Evropská investiční banka potřebuje “vnitřní změnu”, chce využít nástroje umělé intelligence


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Vedení Evropské investiční banky (se sídlem v Lucembursku) dospělo k názoru, že banka by se měla v “měnícím se světě” také změnit. Vyhlásila výběrové řízení na externí firmu, která jí v tom pomůže. “Poskytovatel služeb bude požádán, aby provedl organizační návrh, zhodnotil silné a slabé stránky současné organizace a poskytl podporu při navrhování nové struktury nejlepšího druhu, která by mohla zahrnovat outsourcingové služby a / nebo pomocí nástrojů umělé inteligence,” píše se v zadání.

The service provider will be requested to provide advice to EIB staff on the best ways to create a robust structure, which would give the opportunity to EIB staff to focus on impact creation, driving accountability while maximising collaboration.  While changing the organisation, the service provider will also be requested to provide insights and advice on the best ways to shift behaviour to shape the organisational culture that would support the management goals in the transformed environment. The transformed organisation will have to be based on the new practices such as outsourcing, in order to focus on the core aspects of the business, while improving efficiency and productivity.  The service provider will be requested to integrate in the transformational analysis the new practices potentials, while supporting EIB staff in structuring the potential contractual arrangements. If the already recognised practices that benefit the business strategy have to be implemented in the change, the service provider will also be requested to analyse the potential of the new technologies and their possible integration in EIB environment. Those new technologies are mainly, but not limited to, the Artificial Intelligence programmes that could be implemented to support EIB staff in focusing on the main value creation activities.

Examples of key deliverables: * As-Is analysis and to-be organisation design, including detailed strategic benefits analysis, required change and detailed plan for implementation. * Identification of organisational practices and advanced technologies to support the changing organisation in improving efficiency and productivity, while providing EIB staff with possibilities to make an enhanced impact.

A tady jsou další, praktické detaily:

Tendr: A Strategic Way Forward: Transformational Organisation, Project and Change Management

Zadavatel: European Investment Bank, Luxembourg

Value excl. VAT: €6.000.000 / doba trvání: 48 měsíců

Deadline: 18/3

Short description: Services to support the activities relating to the transformational change in organisation, project and change management for various departments within the EIB Operations Directorate.

Rozděleno na 2 loty:

Lot 1: Strategic Transformational Change. Description of the procurement: Service provider will be requested to perform organizational design, assessing strengths and weaknesses of the current organization and supporting in designing a best of breed new structure that could include outsourcing services and/or using Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools. Budget €4.000.000

Lot 2: Project and Change Management. Description of the procurement: Service Provider will provide: — project management capabilities, including organizational Project Management Office (PMO) activities, to the various organizational projects that are launched to support the structuring and growth of the Bank, — change management capabilities, including changes to business processes, systems and technology, job roles and organization structures, — inputs to EIB staff in relation to creating and implementing change management strategies and plans that maximize employee adoption and usage and minimize resistance, — assistance to the EIB in coaching all levels of managers and supervisors through transitions. Budget €2.000.000

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